在二十四节气中,冬至排在第二十二位,时间为每年公历 12 月 21 日至 23 日之间。这一天太阳几乎直射南回归线,是北半球黑夜最长白天最短的一天,因而获得的阳光最少。中国人相信冬至的阴气最重,同时根据 “物极必反” 的道理,阳气也在这一天开始生发。
Winter Solstice
Since ancient times, Chinese people have paid considerable attention to the harmony between human and nature. They believe men are inclined to organize their activities according to the changes in season. Having discovered the pattern of the four seasons, workmen of the past created 24 solar terms to guide their farming activities and daily life.
The 22nd solar term marks the Winter Solstice, which covers the period from the end of December 21st to the beginning of the 23rd in the Gregorian calendar. On the day of the Winter Solstice, the sun nearly directly shines on the Tropic of Capricorn, giving the Northern Hemisphere its longest nighttime and shortest daylight.
Historically, Chinese people also consider the Winter Solstice the first day of the nine nine-day periods that follow. During the long and cold winter days, the Chinese would pass the time by painting 81 petals of plum blossoms, filling in nine nine-stroke words or creating 81 grids, all of which are considered “Xiao Han Tu” painting.
On the day of the Winter Solstice, they would color the first petal of a plum blossom, fill the first stroke of the first character or jot down in the first grid their personal observations for the day. During those 81 days, starting from the day of the Winter Solstice, these activities would take place once every day. The long-awaited spring arrives when all the 81 petals, strokes or grids are entirely filled.
从长江南北到黄河上下各地都有数九之说,如今,在我国北方流传最广的一首是:“一九二九不出手,三九四九冰上走,五九六九沿河看柳,七九河开八九雁来,九九加一九,耕牛遍地走。” 三言两语就把节气的寒冷程度与自然景物的变化关系说清了,歌词琅琅上口,便于流传记忆。
“写九” 消寒,始于清代道光初年。随着满汉文化的日益融合,作为填写《九九消寒图》这种岁时风俗,在宫廷中颇为盛行。道光皇帝亲书 “亭前垂柳珍重待春风” 九个双钩空心字,每个字都是九划(繁体),共八十一划,由宫中懋勤殿制成双钩消寒图。
自冬至 “数九” 开始,坚持每天用墨色填实一划。笔下端正,心中殷切,叮嘱自己,叮嘱万物,且自珍重,且耐寒冬。
除了文字形式,九九消寒图还有其他几种形式,都是以图形表达,通称为 “画九”。
明《帝京景物略》云:“日冬至,画素梅一枝,为瓣八十有一,日染一瓣,瓣尽而九九出,则春深矣。” 图中一枝寒梅,枝头绽出素白梅花数朵,共八十一瓣。自冬至之日起,每日着色一片花瓣,待满枝花瓣尽显绯红暖意时,窗外的春意也恰时回归。民间不同时期有不同的 “梅花消寒图” 版本。
一些书籍还记载了明代民间,从 “画九” 而来更风雅的习俗:冬至后,贴梅花一枝于窗间,妇人早起梳妆时,每天以胭脂轻点一圈,八十一圈既足,梅枝映在窗前变作杏花,即春暖回。
前不久,中国的 “二十四节气” 已被列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。《九九消寒图》作为与 “冬至” 节气有关的一项民俗文化体现出了中国古老的风俗民情,如今在当代社会文化生活中正焕发出新的活力。
上面这组绘画作品由中国当代艺术家王鉴为先生创作于 2015 年,是一组现代版的《九九消寒图》。关于它们的来历还有一段鲜为人知的故事:
2014 年 10 月,CSOFT 华也国际 CEO 葉雪泥女士有幸与美国传奇投资家沃伦•巴菲特先生会面,谈及沃伦的长子霍华德•巴菲特先生撰写的《40 次机遇》一书。几个星期后,葉女士非常意外地收到了巴菲特父子寄来的整箱书籍。欣喜之余,她特别邀请极负盛誉的中国画家朋友王鉴为先生创作了两幅《九九消寒图》作为回赠。如今,这两幅饱蘸中国文化与哲学的水墨画原作已被巴菲特家族永久珍藏。
本文由 CSOFT 华也国际市场文案 Shirley Guo 汇编
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