in CSOFT Annual Summit, Events, Life at CSOFT

CSOFT Annual Summit to take place in September 2015

Here at CSOFT International, we can’t contain our excitement over the upcoming annual Summit. Every year, staff of CSOFT, clients, an array of academics, government members, and linguists gather to share their experiences and provide insight into the localization and translation industry.

CSOFT 2015 World Summit

Initially, the summit originated as a way for us at CSOFT to realign strategies across our different offices, but has since transformed into the biggest gathering in the industry across Asia. Previous summits have been held all over China, including Shanghai, Sanya and Dalian. Having always been a roaring success, this year is no exception.

We have the pleasure of announcing that this September, the summit will be held in Beijing, a city very close to all of our hearts,  as it is where our Headquarters is based and it is a city we know extremely well. Most of the scheduled events will take place in the beautiful Rosewood Hotel in the Central Business District of Beijing.

The CSOFT annual Summit is particularly special this year as it features a new campaign, aimed at highlighting the importance of translation, something used by millions of people all over the world every day. The world not only functions but also depends on translations ranging from being able to read a sign to finding your way to buying food and surviving. We, being in an industry so heavily influenced by translation, wanted to start the movement to show our appreciation to translators worldwide. It will initially involve various language specialists working with and around CSOFT but our goal is to expand it to translators around the globe, giving everyone the chance to contribute. Every translator is different, translates for various reasons, and most importantly, contributes to transform the world in their own unique way.

Image of the Summit Venue

If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT’s globalization and localization solutions, visit our Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn pages or you can visit our webpage!

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