in Our People

CSOFT Holiday Wishes and Season’s greetings!

Each year, we send out our CSOFT Holiday Wishes and have our CSOFTers hang holiday wishes on our office Christmas trees. This year, we are continuing the tradition, but would like to invite our worldwide CSOFTers to participate as well! Spread the holiday cheer and leave a wish below for your fellow CSOFTers around the globe.

csoft holiday wishes

Sending our CSOFT Holiday Wishes to All!

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    1. For me, the holidays is all about family. So I’d like to extend all of my best wishes to all of the CSOFT family wishing you all good will and festive spirits in the coming year!

    2. With fires currently raging in California, this year I pray for our home: mother nature, the planet earth, whatever you want to name it. May we have the wisdom to treat our home better.

    3. My Christmas wish is for my family and all CSOFTers to be healthy and happy!

    4. Merry Xmas everyone! Here’s an awful cracker joke to see you on your way:

      What do you call Santa’s helpers? Subordinate clauses

    5. The first Christmas with CSOFT! Happy holiday my dear colleagues.

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