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In October 2015, our President and CEO Shunee Yee attended a dinner at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. There was a slight breeze in the air as the city sat awaiting its next season; inside the Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard, more than 250 top women leaders also sat anticipating the coming of their next season. Built in 1836 and once home to the US Patent Office, the Smithsonian American Art Museum now serves as a witness of human advancement. It is a reminder of why the US is home to so many great, innovative ideas. It was there that Shunee first learned about Let Girls Learn, an initiative focused on addressing the challenges that prevent adolescent girls from attending and completing school.

CSOFT to Support Obama Administration's Let Girls Learn Initiative

Female empowerment is a cause that is dear to Shunee’s heart. Since founding CSOFT International in 2003, she has led the company to double digit annual growth. Ms. Yee was a 2009 recipient of the prestigious international Stevie Award for Best Asian Entrepreneur for Women in Business and, in 2012, was named one of Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs.

Here at CSOFT International, we are delighted to announce that we have answered Michelle Obama’s call to action by partnering with the White House’s Let Girls Learn initiative to lead translation of training literature for volunteers worldwide. CSOFT will undertake the first round of translation, starting with Spanish and followed by French as well as several other languages to ensure that the message of Let Girls Learn reaches the far corners of the world.

“Supporting gender equality and education for girls are issues I care deeply about. I believe strong female leadership can make the world a better place, and that all begins with education.” – Shunee.

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