in Events

Asia’s most prominent women leaders in business will once again gather at the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit on Tuesday, November 12th in Hong Kong. We are thrilled to announce that CSOFT’s President and CEO, Ms. Shunee Yee will be one of the speakers. As we at Simply CSOFT previously noted, Shunee was named one of the top ten Most Powerful Women entrepreneurs of 2012. This year, she will speak alongside Jennifer Li of Baidu and Renée James of Intel about how to increase innovation and corporate competitiveness. The discussion will be moderated by Stephanie Mehta of Fortune at 4:45 pm (PDT) that day.

Fortune The Most Powerful Women: Asia

The event is also part of CSOFT’s 10-10-10 celebration – ten events in ten cities to celebrate ten years of the company’s phenomenal growth. Founded in 2003, CSOFT successfully kicked off its 10th Annual World Summit in Beijing and Sanya in June 2013. We expect the upcoming Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit to be another fruitful and engaging session, at which participants can enjoy wide-ranging and inspiring discussions.

Also in attendance will be other leading women in government, media, philanthropy, and the arts. We hope you can join them as they exchange big ideas and learn together.

To attend the summit, you can register online. There, you can also see the complete list of speakers and the Summit agenda.

If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT’s globalization and localization solutions, check out our website here.

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