in All Things Localization, Events, Life at CSOFT, Our People

2020 on the U.S. West Coast

A U.S. Cultural Perspective

by Cai the dog

Well… 2020 sure has been interesting. Wherever you are on the globe, it likely hit you like a ton of bricks.  On the U.S. West Coast, our problems were compounded: a global virus, crazy elections, and fires… it’s been a tough time to say the least from a U.S. cultural perspective. The entire west coast was literally on fire at one point and evacuating my house was, admittedly, a bit scary.

A unique moment from the U.S. cultural perspective of 2020

And on top of that, COVID-19 presented a whole other set of challenges. Wearing masks is NOT a part of the U.S. cultural perspective here in the U.S. and we saw many people fight it as an abuse of our freedoms. For me, it helped to lean on my overseas friends to come to grips, culturally, with a different way of living.

But, as my Brazilian heritage firmly believes: there is always something to look forward to and something beautiful is just around the next bend in the trail.

So, I remain as positive as ever. Even in the darkest times, the light shines to those who know how to see it.


Written by: Michael Gray

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