in Events

The New Year is considered a special day, filled with midnight celebrations, parties and toasts. When the clock strikes twelve, people traditionally gather to bid farewell to the changing year and welcome the fresh New Year. January 1st not only serves as a time of reflection, but also symbolizes the start of a better tomorrow. For CSOFT this year, it is also a time of new beginnings with our new “Share a Wish” initiative.

Share a wish Image


Looking back at the highs and lows of 2015, it is clear that it was a year marred by tragic events. With the terrible news, however, came the support and positivity of people around the globe, all rallying together to create social movements that inspire growth and unity.  Here at CSOFT, we are touched by the goodness of so many individuals who have inspired us with their positive words and actions, leaving us hopeful for a peaceful future.

CSOFT is happy to announce the start of our “Share a Wish” initiative. As we enter the New Year together, we urge you to share a wish, aspiration or hope for the future. Regardless of where you are from or what language you speak, we welcome everyone to share their hopes for the coming year. The three well-wishers who submit our favorite entries will receive a special holiday gift from CSOFT.

Here are a few popular entries from our very own CSOFTers, many of who have shared wishes in their native languages:

  • I hope that more people find what makes them happy and forget about everything that doesn’t – John Artman
  • Eu desejo um 2016 com menos desigualdade, maldade, preconceito e guerra. Que o amor, a solidariedade e a paz encham os corações das pessoas e torne o mundo cada vez melhor! (I wish that 2016 be a year with less inequality, malice, prejudice and war. That love, solidarity and peace fill the hearts of people and make the world better and better.) – Cláudia Zen
  • I wish all the migrants fleeing from war-torn countries a safe journey and the best of luck in finding a new home – Pew Natthamon
  • 我希望有机会去迈阿密睇一场 NBA 嘎比赛,睇我偶像 Dwyane Wade 系场上拼搏 (I wish I can have the chance to go to Miami to watch an NBA game, witnessing my idol Dwyane Wade strive for success in the field.) – Ivan Wang
  • I wish that all the kids in the world can be happy and have a brighter future full of love and family support. – Chiara Conte

If you are interested in joining the movement, please proceed to our Share A Wish  page and submit your name, place of residence, and email address alongside your wish. We will then post your submission on our social media outlets and choose our favorites.

We look forward to a good year ahead and spreading happiness with your wonderful New Year wishes!


If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT’s globalization and localization solutions, visit our Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn pages or you can visit our webpage!

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