in CSOFT Annual Summit, Life at CSOFT, Our People

CSOFT Linguist Profiles, Part 1: Marina Ilari, Rafael De La Figuera Von Wichmann & Bertrand Malingrey

As our annual summit nears, we would like to introduce you to three of our distinguished CSOFT linguist talents: Marina Ilari, Rafael de la Figuera Von Wichmann and Bertrand Malingrey. These three individuals are seen as experts in the translation industry, constantly encountering numerous stumbling blocks. To celebrate the art of translation and localization, we’re getting inside their heads to discover who they are, what they do, and to recognize the steps they continuously take to shape their skills and stay on top of the game.

Marina Ilari

Marina Ilari was born and raised in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, a small town in the province of Santa Fe. In 2001 she moved to Buenos Aires, where she obtained a degree in Literary Translation from the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. Later, she went on to the University of Oxford to receive a Certificate of Proficiency in English.

Marina has over 14 years of experience in the translation industry. She is an expert in navigating translation tools and translating projects in English and Spanish. Marina works full-time as a translator, editor, and quality assurance specialist, along with managing her own translation team that specializes in English and Spanish TEP (Translation + Editing + Proofreading). She has a passion for languages, technology, and travel.

Since 2009, Marina has been a permanent resident of the United States. She currently resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her husband, Bill, and their two year-old son, Santino.

Rafael de la Figuera Von Wichmann

Rafael has worked as a CSOFT linguists since 2007 and has been working as a professional translator since 1995. His journey in this field began with translating for multiple university projects while obtaining his degree in Sport Science and Physical Education. His passion for languages led to collaboration with several major language providers and allowed him to start his career as a professional freelance translator. Over the years, Rafael has specialized in medical and IT areas, among many other general technical subjects. CSOFT has become his main and most-valued partner, with a trusted and well-established business relationship for almost a decade!

Rafael continues to fulfill his dreams with sport, nature and travel—when he finds the time, that is. He loves mountaineering, trail running, mountain biking and above all windsurfing, a discipline in which he still competes at both a national and international level. He is also a vivid enthusiast and “aficionado” of jazz music. But above all, Rafael’s biggest pleasure is spending time and travelling with his family, all while watching his kids slowly develop similar passions in life!

Bertrand Malingrey

Coming from a family with mixed European origins, Bertrand says languages were always present in his DNA. He first began to fall in love with the English language at the age of 12. The starting point of this relationship was being able to understand the music he was listening to, as he went on to spend hours reading the booklets attached with CDs. His quick language learning skills send his fluency soaring to levels better than his teachers, which in return led to disrupted classes and detention hours. When the time came to pick a career path, Bertrand chose international trade. He spent a few years working for Microsoft, followed by managing exports for Michelin. However, this did not seem like a suitable fit, so when change began calling his name, becoming a translator seemed obvious and natural; he had, after all, mastered two languages and could leverage valuable experience in several domains. Over the last 15 years, he has been able to expand his expertise fields and learn something new every day. To Bertrand, this career path is a privilege. Although it takes a considerate amount of dedication and passion, at the end of the day, it makes him feel he plays an active part in helping the world communicate. He is quick to add, however, that the slow disappearance of CDs and their booklets breaks his heart.


If you think you have what it takes to become a translator, get in touch! We are always looking for qualified professionals to join our CSOFT family. To learn more about freelance translation opportunities with CSOFT International, visit our career page or send your resume and a cover letter to If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT linguists and our globalization and localization solutions, visit our Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn pages or you can visit our webpage!

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