in CSOFT Annual Summit, Life at CSOFT

The MILK & Cookies Café is a central point of CSOFT culture, and has slowly transformed into the main way of providing the team with a little taste of home. On any given day, the MILK & Cookies Café attracts employees from all around the office with enticing aromas of freshly brewed coffee and straight-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies. Supplied by our talented chef and kitchen staff, a variety of daily home-cooked meals and afternoon snacks literally provide our hardworking CSOFTers with food for thought, energizing us throughout the day in a healthy and balanced way.


Milk & Cookies Banner

Interestingly enough, the MILK from MILK & Cookies is an abbreviation for Making Investment in Language and Kulture. The concept was created by a dear former employee whose Italian background came with an appreciation for home-style cooking. Eager to bring the family atmosphere to the office, she organized a soup cooking competition, with some winning recipes later even making it to CSOFT’s “International Winter Soup Cookbook.” Needless to say, the café took off from there, evolving into a haven of warmth all while cultivating friendships along the way. As the center of many office gatherings and holiday celebrations all year long, we’ve created many long-lasting memories at MILK & Cookies. Now, with the Summit nearing, we are extremely happy that we will be able to share this culture with our linguists, guests, clients, and members from different CSOFT offices. We hope that, similarly to us, everyone regards this small café as a place where relaxing conversations, banter and brainstorming sessions can be combined, creating a sympathetic interactive environment for everyone.

At CSOFT, we strongly believe that culture is not just a component of the game, but rather the game itself. At the end of the day, it is people that make up our organization, and it is our moral obligation to continue providing our talented individuals with reasons to come into work every morning with a positive mindset. As we continue to put our efforts into expanding and developing the MILK & Cookies Café, we look forward to the diverse crowds and sounds of laughter that the Summit will bring to the café. Join us in collaborating, sharing, and innovating, all with a warm cookie and cup of freshly brewed coffee in hand.


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