in All Things Localization

CSOFT is back from Chicago this week following a successful exhibit at the DIA 2022 Annual Meeting, where the team joined some of the most innovative companies in global and decentralized clinical trials, patient recruitment, and patient education to represent CSOFT Health Sciences, leaders in medical translations for the quickly changing drug industry.

Exhibiting at booth 2331, CSOFT CEO and President Shunee Yee led CSOFT to the first in-person Annual Meeting since the pandemic outbreak alongside CSOFT’s VP of Global Clinical Strategy and member of DIA’s core committee for clinical research, Dr. Vladimir Misik, as well as CSOFT’s Chief Life Science Practice Lead, Di Lv, and Executive Director of Business Development, Michael Gray. Also in attendance were Senior Customer Success Manager, Josh Maislin, Senior Technical Editor and Marketing Team Lead, William Denton, and Account Manager, Luana Fonseca.

Di notes, “The past two years have been challenging due to the pandemic. Finally, we are back to DIA! It was great to meet people and talk to them in person. We have seen what a tremendous transformation the whole industry has been through. With patient diversity and patient centricity still being main discussion for the future of health, we are also seeing how the industry has become dedicated to technology, innovation for really understanding needs, interests of patients, providing diverse options for people of previously marginalized groups to help them be part of critical studies, and learning what will really benefit patients. I was particularly impressed by those technology-enabled start-ups who have grown so fast and with very agile business models. It’ definitely speeding the process of reshaping the landscape of this industry.”

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Josh adds from the event floor, “It was great to finally get back to a live conference experience. There were many learning sessions to enrich my understanding of clinical trials and to see where the industry is headed. I appreciated the opportunity to network with industry professionals who fill a variety of roles in the life sciences industry. My conversations were both fruitful and enlightening, whether I was speaking with a Sales Manager for a drug delivery company or a Quality Control Director at a multinational CRO.”

Visitors accustomed to typical giveaways like hacky sacks and stress balls had the chance to try out a couple of other diversions at CSOFT’s booth – one hailing from overseas, and likewise kickable: the eye-catching Chinese game of jianzi, resembling some combination of capoeira and badminton, for the uninitiated. Also on deck was big-brick Jenga, which just never seemed to topple…until it did, for all to see and hear. Amid the fun, our team shared important knowledge and in-depth discussions with companies hailing from all corners of the globe, particularly around patient diversity and clinical trial reputation, and the vital necessity of responsive medical translation services to develop and deliver solutions across borders.

While in Chicago, CSOFT also booked our booth for DIA 2023, to be hosted in our beloved headquarters city of Boston! In the meantime, we look forward to seeing were the industry leads us in the year ahead, one high-quality medical translation at a time.

To learn more about CSOFT Health Sciences, visit us at!

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