This is CSOFT in Sudan (#CSOFTinSudan), our blog series which follows our fellow CSOFTers Nurullah and William as they travel through Sudan with a local team to learn more about an upcoming project and the impact that our work together will have on the community at large.
- It’s currently rainy season in Sudan.
- The workday is from 7:30 to 15:30.
- The city of Geneina is most beautiful in July and August and the name means “garden” in Arabic.
Nearly one week since touching down in Khartoum, a few things have become clear: the work day in Sudan starts at 7:30, the World Cup is in full swing, and an ever-growing amount of work waits ahead of us.
Heading into their first day on-site, it’s no surprise that our colleagues felt like they were walking into a new job, a little nervous but a whole lot of eager. However, after meeting the team, they felt welcomed, at ease, and in awe.
Nurullah and William’s CSOFT in Sudan research ramped up quickly this past week as they were able to identify the resources that would help us better tailor the plan moving forward. Now more apparent than before is the scale of the project, and is far bigger than we initially thought.
Having just flown out to Nyala on Sunday and now equipped with SIM cards, we have more and more questions for Nurullah and William, but the goal remains the same: To leave Sudan with newfound knowledge and use it to make the world a better place.
Of course, it wouldn’t be a CSOFT in Sudan trip without some insight into local culture and of course, food! Nurullah and William haven’t been skimping on the local cuisine, having a chance to try local as well as Middle Eastern influenced dishes. Meals are typically eaten communal style, with trays of various meats, vegetables, salads, dips, and sauces. These dishes are accompanied with Kissra, a flatbread typically made from wheat or durra.

Pictured: Global Communications experts, Nurullah and William and some of their delicious local meals.
Keep up the great work guys, and keep updating us with a taste of the local culture!
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CSOFT Global Communications
CSOFT’s Global Communications team specializes in creating top-quality content written directly in target languages. Our unique team of native speakers consists of experts from a broad range of disciplines including marketing, journalism, PR, telecommunications, computing, life sciences, and design. By only employing highly-experienced content specialists native to your target markets, we ensure your brand’s message is effectively communicated to all customers around the world.