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CSOFT and Fortune Most Powerful Women Meet in Asia

(Pictured from left to right: Fortune Deputy Managing Editor Stephanie Mehta, Baidu CFO Jennifer Li, Intel President Renée James, CSOFT International CEO Shunee Yee)




What happens when Fortune Most Powerful Women gathers business leaders from around the globe to discuss work, education, finance, innovation, and motherhood? A substantive exchange of ideas, a lot of laughter, and the formation of instant sisterhood.

The Fortune Most Powerful Women Asia Conference gathered high-level female executives from private enterprises like CSOFT International, multinational public corporations like Coca-Cola, media conglomerates like CNN, and public relations firms like Fleishman-Hillard. Women traveled from Beijing, Shanghai, San Francisco, Seoul, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Delhi, Brisbane, and more to share ideas over dinner and the elegant backdrop of the Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong.

CSOFT’s CEO Shunee Yee was invited by Fortune to speak on a panel about innovation and Asia, alongside Baidu’s CFO Jennifer Li and Intel’s President and Fortune’s 29th Most Powerful Woman in Business Renée James. Moderated by Fortune’s Deputy Managing Editor Stephanie Mehta, the three women shared their insights about what drives innovation at a company and whether China’s education system is raising a generation of innovators. Discussing what drives innovation at a company level, each of the women shared their thoughts:

  • Intel’s James believes management has to be supportive and nurture an environment of innovation with teams meeting regularly to brainstorm ideas
  • CSOFT’s Yee contends that some of the best innovation is client-driven – finding solutions to problems that customers need solved
  • Baidu’s Li shared that she regularly hosts competitions offering cash rewards to employees – sometimes as high as one million USD – to those with the best ideas

“This is my second time attending a Fortune MPW event, the first time as a Fortune Most Powerful Entrepreneur and now as a panelist at Fortune’s first ever MPW event in Asia,” adds Yee. “Each time, I am so impressed with the caliber of women and grateful for the new friendships I’ve made. So often women are not given a seat at the table in business – at Fortune’s events, every attendee has not only found her seat, but like Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, they are often at the very head of the table and encouraging future female leaders to ‘lean in’ and believe in themselves.”

For pictures of the Fortune MPW event, please click here.

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