in Translation

September 30th can only mean one thing…International Translation Day? Unless you’re an active member of the International Federation

International Translation Day

 of Translators (FIT) or a particularly devout Catholic, you probably aren’t familiar with it.

Initially established by FIT in 1953, International Translation Day coincides with the Feast Day of Saint Jerome. Jerome was a priest, confessor, theologian, and historian but – above all – he was a scholar at a time when the term meant a person with fluency in multiple languages. And it was his fluency in the rare (at least for a Christian of his day) Hebrew that allowed him to translate the Old Testament into Latin.

Today’s language professionals may never be canonized but their work can still be of almost transcendent importance. As FIT says on their website:

“If we are to assume that all humans have an inherent equal right…effective communication will be required for us to be able to defend these rights…This is where interpreters, translators and terminologists – all language professionals – play an essential role.”

The world’s language professionals are the unsung heroes in the fight for a more connected world; the truth is we couldn’t enjoy the fruits of globalization without them. After all, our people are our power. We at Simply CSOFT and everyone at CSOFT want to take today – and invite all of our readers to join us – and offer a salute and very heartfelt gratitude to our linguists, interpreters, translators, terminologists, and localization specialists; we wouldn’t be where we are today without you, and neither would the world market.

If you’re interested in learning more about globalization, localization and translation, don’t forget to visit us at

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