in CSOFT Annual Summit, Life at CSOFT

CSOFT’s Annual Summit has been an integral part of the company’s culture and team alignment strategy since the inaugural event in 2004. What began as a day’s worth of low-key team meetings in a Beijing courtyard, has turned into Asia’s largest annual localization conference.

As CSOFT’s Annual Summit has increased in size and scope, it’s come to include a range of panels, breakout meetings, and networking events, all of which have been hosted in beautiful venues across China. External speakers, including some of the industry’s leading thought provokers, have been asked to anchor panels and lead lively debates on such topics as “Man vs. Machine” and the future of robotics in the workplace.

While the Summit has become a major success for the company and a favorite annual event for CSOFT’s employees, at the beginning of the year, CSOFT’s Founder and CEO, Shunee Yee, decided that 2017’s Summit was going to be special. This would be the year that CSOFT went back to where it all began, to the excitement and commitment of the first summit.

CSOFT Collaborates with WildChina

In just two weeks, CSOFTers from all around the world will be flying into Beijing to attend the Summit. From June 25-30, Beijing HQ will host alignment meetings for senior management and training workshops for the company’s sales teams. Then, on June 30, the ‘Amazing Race’ portion of the event will kick-off. Led by WildChina, everyone will head to China’s Flying Fox Valley Air Grassland (飞狐峪空中草原) for an unforgettable weekend of competition, team-building, and camping.

WildChina is planning a range of activities that CSOFTers can choose to join, from an ‘Iron Chef’ style breakfast competition to a tent decorating activity. To augment these and create a true learning and bonding experience for everyone involved, ten pairs of selected Captains and Vice-Captains will be tasked with recruiting all of the participating CSOFTers into their teams. The teams must have a mix of people from varying departments and international offices in order to inspire everyone participating to engage in cross-cultural exchange and to step out of their comfort zones.

Beauty, Challenge, and Fun for CSOFT’s Annual Summit

Yee said that she wishes to bring everyone to a place of true beauty, free of distractions and full of challenges, so that “we will all be looking at each other instead of at our screens”. After previewing the available bathroom facilities, she added, “and this experience will give everyone fresh topics of conversation”. (It’s true, the bathrooms in five-star hotels are not nearly as thrilling as those found in the wilderness of China.)

By taking it to the grasslands, the 13th CSOFT Annual Summit will be an opportunity for everyone in the company to reconnect with the essentials of being a CSOFTer and to rediscover what it means to be part of a family and a team.

So, put away your cocktail attire and pack your hiking boots, everyone, because CSOFT is going wild!

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