in Language & Culture

Whether you are a small business or a large multinational company, the increasing competitiveness of the global market requires companies to seek new, innovative and effective ways to increase productivity in their workplace. One of the most talked-about ways of doing so is team building. While it can be argued that the brilliance and creativity of individuals is what ultimately determines the success of a project, most of the time it’s down to the joint-effort of a team. So to help you help motivate your teams, we’ve put together the main reasons all companies should strive to provide genuinely fun team building opportunities.

team building

  1. Foster Stronger Communication. There’s no better way to improve productivity than establishing accurate communication. Team building aids employees to feel more comfortable with one another, this means they are more likely to ask questions, talk about issues and share information regarding a project.
  2. Building Trust. Just as trust with clients is of paramount importance, mutual trust between employees is extremely important for any team to function. Team building activities such as outward-bound excursions involving physical contact between team members provides employees the opportunity to develop trust-relationships and support one another outside of the workplace.
  3. Increase Productivity. Collaboration is the key to higher efficiency. Having a better understanding of one another’s strengths and weaknesses enables employees to work on what they are best at and optimize efficiency.
  4. Improve Job Satisfaction. Working with people you clash with or have nothing in common with can make it very difficult to remain motivated. Getting employees to know each other on a more personal level can lead to better working environment and an attitude adjustment, thus increase employee’s job satisfaction.
  5. Greater Motivation. Being on a team means responsibility and accountability. A bad presentation or missing a deadline affects not only oneself but the entire team. The idea of being counted on by other people will encourage employees to work harder and perform better.

For most successful companies, the products are only worth as much as the people behind them. Your people are your greatest asset; make sure they know that or they might not be your assets for much longer.

For more information and team building exercises, check out these articles: 6 Ways Successful Teams Are Built To Last, Team Building in the Workplace,10 Quick and Easy Team Building Activities, 15 Fun Team Building Exercises That Breed Cooperative Excellence.

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