in Life at CSOFT

Beginning earlier this summer, TermWiki has been promoting the iPad2 contest to encourage users to take a more proactive role in building and strengthening the TermWiki community. With the TermWiki iPad2 contest officially coming to a close today, congratulations are in order. Congratuliations  Dmitry Kornyukhov!

Thank you, Dmitry Kornyukhov (username: welovedoka), for your hard work and dedication! With over 500 fans,  Dmitry has certainly embraced the social networking aspects of TermWiki and is an inspiration to all for his energy in creating stronger community ties. Be on the look out for a featured blog interview with Dmitry, coming soon!

For more information about TermWiki, please visit the home page. And stay tuned for more upcoming TermWiki promotions and contest.

Once again,  Dmitry Kornyukhov, congratulations! You’ve earned it!

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    1. Congratulation Welovedoka! ;)
      You are a lucky man, cause I really want to have the iPad2 as well.
      BTW, very nice photo~

    2. Good job Dmitry! I can see that you worked really hard to win this, I hope you enjoy the prize!

    3. Congratulations Dmitry! Thank you for the excellent support to make this TermWiki event a total success! Keep up the great work.

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