in Localization Tips

In this changing world of increased communication between cultures and the burgeoning digitalization of many of our common day to day processes, it is vital that companies stay ahead of the latest localization trends. LocWorld, an annual conference that takes place in venues all over the world, brings in Keynote speakers and luminaries in the localization field and seeks to provide a chance for companies and interested parties to gather together to learn and share new ideas.

‘Localization World’ was created by founders Ulrich Henes and Donna Parrish in 2003, when they both recognized a brilliant opportunity to encourage the localization industry to thrive. With this vision in mind they created an event where people could network and learn, consolidating old business and generating connections for new business. So far LocWorld has had summits all over Asia, Europe and North America, with the next event, LocWorld33, taking place in Shenzhen from February 28th to March 2nd 2017. Each event has benefitted from a selection of influential speakers and the topics that permeate each event accurately reflect the state of localization now.

Last year’s LocWorld was a phenomenal success and had International Management Speaker and Business Coach, Donald Cooper, as a keynote speaker. Donald currently works with business owners and managers in over 40 industries around the world aiming to promote clarity, commitment, vision, value, and profitability. Donald Cooper’s talk was entitled: “The Business of Language…and the Language of Business…how to engage global customers, profitably” in which he discussed, at length, the connections between language and culture and importance that culture plays in connecting people all around the world.

This year, however, it will be slightly different with Locword33 being in China, featuring keynote speaker, Jeffrey Towson, who is an expert on Chinese business. He is currently a professor at Beijing University and his talk this year will discuss how Chinese consumers and competitors are disrupting global markets. Jeffrey claims that Chinese consumers are currently the biggest economic force in this part of the world and the investment money naturally follows where these economic trends lie. He warns us all of the perils of 2025 and discusses the importance of language in Chinese success globally.

It’s not just Jeffrey Towson’s talk is one amongst many to anticipate, with this year’s conference consisting of a varied and compelling list of pre-conference and main conference activities with a collection of speakers from Google, Huawei, and CSOFT international in attendance.

Please click here to visit the LocWorld website and find out more!

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