in Events, Globalization

CSOFT Witnesses Martin Jetpack’s First Flight in China with Kuang-Chi

So there we were, sat overlooking the OTC harbour in Shenzhen, China, no one fully knowing what to expect. There were around 2,000 people there all waiting in anticipation, as were we, for the first ever public jetpack flight in China. It has been a long wait for Martin Jetpack and as the Kuang-Chi host gathered the various employees to talk about the launch, it was easy to see just how much hard work from all sides had gone into this. The organizers lined up in front of the crowd next to a blue curtain draped over the jetpack, building up the suspense before it’s unveiling. We were about to see a product launch in the most literal sense possible.

The Martin Jetpack and Kuang-Chi teams were asked to share to the crowd a Martin Luther King styled “I have a dream” sentence. The collection of answers inspired the crowd, especially the ones that highlighted the accessibility of these jetpacks to the general population, and another stating that this could be the future of emergency rescue. The proceedings were aptly summarized by the president of Kuang-Chi, Dr Liu Ruopeng with the answer; “I have a dream, to bring the future to now.”

The music built up and the crowed whooped and cheered as the curtain was taken off and the jetpack started roaring. Engineers took off the weights and in a matter of minutes, take off! Michael Read, the director of Martin Jetpack flight operations, wearing an iron man-esqe suit of armour soared over the lake and towards the exhilarated crowd. After the nerves died down and people could truly take in what they were seeing, Read spun around and waved to the crowds before landing right in front of us. He emerged with a beaming smile and Dr. Liu rushed over to embrace him – the flight had been a success.

After Mr Read walked out of the landing zone to raptures of applause, the host went on to explain that the jetpack didn’t need a pilot – it could be flown by remote control. Within 10 minutes, the Jetpack was back up in the air again but this time controlled from the stage by one of the Martin Jetpack engineers. The flight time, as with a human pilot, can last up to 30 minutes before it needs refuelling and can fly up to around 1000-1500 metres altitude.

Three years ago, Xi Jinping himself visited the Kuang-Chi headquarters down in Shenzhen and discovered they were just targeting a domestic market at the time. He claimed they had the potential to go global and since then, they have developed internationally in countries all over the world ranging from USA to Uganda. This jet pack is just one of the many projects that Kuang-Chi science is investing in at the moment, with other ventures including solar ships and even Wi-Fi emitting flying objects. To help in their globalization process, Kuang-Chi is also forming a strategic partnership with CSOFT international, believing that by recruiting our professional services, they can greatly improve their global transition. This is evident even in their slogan, “The Future Is Now”, a provision from CSOFT Globalization services.

There is a tremendous energy and excitement coming out of Shenzhen at the moment, and with the future cooperation and collaboration of CSOFT, Kuang-Chi is surely leading the way to expanding out and becoming truly global.


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