in I Translate I Transform, Life at CSOFT

I translate: Is It All Lederhosen and Sausages in Germany?

Welcome to the first installment of our new video series featuring our linguists. As part of the I Translate, I Transform campaign to celebrate the richness of language and culture our world has to offer, every week for the next few months, we will interview several linguists and ask them why they translate. Today we are going to introduce you to Julia Wehrle from Germany.

Julia is one of our English to German translators. We profiled her before on Simply CSOFT where she shared thoughts about her work experience at CSOFT International and what she thinks makes a good translator. However, in this video, we asked her to clarify several stereotypes about her home country. If you want to know whether or not German people always follow the rules or if they iron everything, including their underwear, you don’t want to miss this interview.


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