in Translation

International Translation Day: It’s More Than Just Translation

International Translation Day is very important to CSOFT. The key to successful globalization can be summed up in one word: local. The more global a company is, the more local and relevant it must be, so as to engage its customers more effectively. With over 6,500 languages spoken in our world, companies looking to go global need not only consider how well their product or services can perform against its competition, but also how their product or services are interpreted by their target market. CSOFT enables global businesses to do just that, matching some of the best linguists and localization experts in the world to clients who realize localization is not only important, but imperative to success.

Given the importance of translators, every year on September 30th, we have an opportunity to appreciate linguists around the world through the celebration of International Translation Day.  The profession has become increasingly essential in the era of globalization and, for this reason, CSOFT has recently launched I Translate, I Transform, a campaign created to raise awareness about the importance of language and show appreciation to translators worldwide. Linguists do more than just translate; they take local culture, traditions and preferences into account, helping our clients bridge the gap between their products and foreign market perception.

To learn more about the campaign and how you can show your pride in being a translator, please visit the I Translate Facebook page.

Check out our latest video below, which shows how translation work is making a difference across industries. The art of translation is complex and beautiful, and it’s time to give it the recognition it deserves.


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