in Events, Our People

CSOFT's sympathies go out to all suffering in Japan's earthquakeOur thoughts are with Japan and all its residents right now as they continue to wage against the devastating effects from Friday’s 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The anticipated losses of human life, homes, heat, water, electricity, order, and security alongside handling other unforeseen affairs—heavily damaged nuclear plants not the least of them—have been tremendous obstacles for the Japanese government and people to deal with. They are in an extraordinary situation, and our thoughts are with them all.

The hardest hit coastal city was Sendai, about 130 km (80 miles) west of the earthquake epicenter. Tokyo, in comparison, is about 373 km (231 miles) southwest of where the epicenter was. Tremors were felt and buildings shook in the capital city, but the damage was far more intense and widespread in northern Japan. Thousands have perished, with many more injured and displaced. The latest numbers from Japan’s Red Cross unit can be found here.

CSOFT’s Japan office is located in Osaka, about 400 km (250 miles) west of Tokyo. We have been in touch with our two head linguists there, Hiroshi-san and Yutaka-san, who are both safe. Hiroshi-san manages a translation team that works with medical content, supporting our MedL10N division. Yutaka-san’s team handles IT and engineering translations.

Hiroshi-san and Yutaka-san together work with more than twenty core translators between them. All of their team members have checked in and are also safe. Most experienced strong vibrations from the earthquake; others were without water and power for a couple of days. We are so happy and grateful that everyone is okay.

For anybody who wishes to help the residents of Japan overcome this disaster, consider donating to the Japanese Red Cross Society. Alternatively, Translation Without Borders (TWB), a non-profit that provides free translation to organizations such as Doctors without Borders, Handicap International, Medecin du Monde, etc., is also open to donations and volunteer translators.

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