Can you believe that 2010 went by so quickly? In many ways, the New Year constitutes a new chapter in work, play and life in general. So for this week’s Straight from the Source, we thought we’d share with you a few thoughts, aspirations and resolutions from CSOFT team members for the year 2011.
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This week’s question: What are your plans and resolutions for 2011?
Jason, Vice President and head of Global Operations, says:
I, of course, want to continue to focus on daily operations. And with business having grown so much over the past year, I also am determined to devote my attention to easing the growing pains that companies in a transition from good to great inevitably experience. My second resolution is to help the production teams better integrate and use TermWiki technologies in their projects.
As for my personal life, I just want my three-year old son to stay healthy, happy and well.
Robert, Marketing Specialist and TermWiki Project Manager, says:
For the 2011 work year, I think it would be really beneficial to manage time better and to not only start the day with a more detailed schedule, but to stick to it. I also want to see further growth and success in TermWiki and resolve to do whatever it takes to drive that.
For life and play, maintaining health is really important. Perhaps inspired by a remote-controlled helicopter I recently got my hands on, but I really would like to learn how to fly sometime in my life, and maybe that road will begin to be paved sometime this year. It would also be nice to get back to teaching and conversing about philosophy and life questions and building a community around that. Lastly, I hope 2011 will bring more Chinese speaking into my life as my friend and I spearhead a Chinese Speakers Beijing Chapter.
Chiara, Global Language Manager, says:
One idea that I am really excited about is the internship program that will bring European students over and help them learn about the workings of a localization company and gain firsthand experience. My goal is to have this program implemented as quickly as possible. I wish 2011 would also bring more time, but this is impossible. Instead, I hope for continual open and clear communication between and among teams.
Angela, Project Management Coordinator, says:
In 2011, I hope to continue to learn more about the localization industry. I am working with a great team and will continue to work hard to be able to tackle projects as they do. For my personal life, I am really inspired by Clint Eastwood and the achievements he has had in his career. In 2011, I want to find the time to read his biography and watch the movies he has directed. I think his life is full of stories, and I want to mine to be as well. I also hope to be able to do some traveling this year, maybe to Yunnan Province or even abroad.
So what are your resolutions and plans for 2011? We’d love to hear about them, so feel free to leave a comment, or visit!
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Annette, that’s great!
When I was younger, I loved making new year resolutions and would always write them on a piece of stationary (Hello Kitty was a favorite, admittedly) and seal it in an envelope to open the following year. It made it so official to me and I would always feels so adult…but then again, they were things like ‘make my bed every morning’ and ‘stop fighting with my sisters’. So I guess our similarities stops with the envelope!
One of my new year’s resolution is also to get much better time management. For someone who is working from a home office it is even more important. I would also like to get very successful in sales. Yesterday the European Business Development team also submitted the yearly sales forecast to the Management. I have put a secret figure in a sealed envelope that I am going to open on the first day of January 2012. I am going to let you know how close I got! :-)
My resolution for 2011:
keep reading these interesting blogs. I like the Straight from the Source ones
Keep enjoying life and contribute to turn green the world
keep my house tidy so that people will feel good when visiting me
and…..keep fit~ (a lot of work to do, especially after Xmas and NY)
“I want my life to be full of stories”. What a beautiful way to put it, Angela. I’m sure your life will be.