in All Things Localization

This past June, CSOFT Health Sciences hosted a gathering of leaders from across the life sciences to an evening celebration at the Harvard Art Museums, where we explored the intersection of art, science, and communications and asked our guests to cast their predictions for the coming decade. As we look ahead to a new year and our hopes for the future, we’ve asked a leading thinker who joined us from the life sciences field to revisit his predictions and tell us more about his vision of a healthier future.

Dr. Chenjian (C.J.) Li, veteran bio-medical researcher from Stanford University, joins to discuss his prediction, Most monogenic diseases – diseases caused by single gene mutations – will be cured through gene editing and gene therapy.”

We’re pleased to bring you Dr. Li’s interview with CSOFT Health Sciences, leaders in clinical trial localization and AI/ML-enabled medical translation services for all phases of the drug and medical device product lifecycle, from development to post-launch.

Welcome, Dr. Li. Could you tell us more about your prediction for the future?

My prediction is that the gene editing approach will most likely be the cure for genetic forms of human diseases. In human history, the first phase of intellectual development was to understand the world.  In that period, from antient Greek’s Euclid, Archimedes onward, human beings tried to understand the world.  That intellectual tradition is still driving today’s scientific research.  The second phase, starting mainly from industrial evolution, has been how we can change the world.  Now comes the third phase in which we can change ourselves as a species, not temporarily, but by genetic inheritance.  This is made possible by the Nobel winning discovery of gene editing. 

Related:  Machine Translation: Merging AI Precision with Human Expertise

That is interesting. What are the reasons that you predict this?

Many human diseases are caused by single gene mutations.  For these disease-causing genetic mutations, the most upstream and fundamental solution will be either to delete or correct those mutated genes. 

What needs to take place to realize this possibility?

This is a very complicated, multi-stepped and multifaceted process which involves efficient and specific gene editing, delivery of gene-editing tools to the right organs and cells, and avoidance of off-target effects and toxic side effects. Scientists and medical doctors are teaming up in an unprecedented way to tackle these challenges.  I am optimistic that in ten years, many of the genetic diseases will be treated or even cured.

Parting Thoughts: Communicating Innovation for a Healthier Future

With collaboration likely to occur across greater distances and relying on the clear, accurate flow of medical information, realizing Dr. Li’s prediction will rely on the ability to conduct and communicate research and development effectively on a global basis.

As new opportunities to tackle challenges and achieve the unprecedented emerge at the forefront of science and technology, CSOFT Health Sciences is excited to support the quickly changing life sciences industry in all its multilingual communication needs with medical translations in over 250 languages. To learn more or get in touch, visit

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