in Events, Our People

Some exciting news on the home front here at CSOFT: Fortune announced last week the top ten most powerful women entrepreneurs of 2012, and we’re happy to announce that our rock star of a President and CEO, Ms. Shunee Yee, was recognized as one of these ten preeminent ladies!

The ten honorees have been invited to attend the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit in Laguna Niguel, California from October 1–3, 2012. As a world-renowned gathering of distinguished women in business, the Fortune Summit offers an opportunity for some of the world´s most business-savvy leaders to meet and further strengthen an already global leadership community. With the added combination of influential figures in government, philanthropy, education and the arts, the Summit should make for some thought provoking and relevant discussions. Watch out for more information on this as the event draws closer.

Inspiring us with their innovation, energy, and brilliance, these ten are certainly on the list of women entrepreneurs to watch out for. And if that doesn’t incite enough excitement, many of our CSOFT chaps are also pretty darn delighted to know that the degrees of separation between us and fellow honoree Jessica Alba, actress and founder of The Honest Company, have been significantly reduced!

A big Congratulations! to the ten most powerful women entrepreneurs of 2012!

Shunee Yee as one of Fortune's Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs

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