in Globalization, Translation

CSOFT CEO, Shunee Yee, attended and spoke at the 2016 Techonomy’s Conference in the beautiful Ritz-Carlton hotel in Half Moon Bay from November 9th to the 11th. This year’s Techonomy Conference was themed “Man, Machines, and the Network” and featured such renowned business and tech leaders like Blackberry’s John Chen, JP Morgan Chase Institute’s Diana Farrell, venture capitalist Bill Gurley, Fitbit CEO James Park, GE Software’s Bill Ruh, Kaiser-Permanente’s Bernard Tyson, serial entrepreneur Martin Varsavsky, NextEV’s Padmasree Warrior, and the social networking pioneer Mark Zuckerberg.

It is clear now that machines and the networks that we have created to connect ourselves through machines have become vital to our society’s existence. The Internet of Things has increased the ability of machines to adapt to an environment, allowing interaction with human beings in a faultless manner. These networks are prevalent throughout our lives and connect us to allow extensive communication across a spectrum of faculties. What is it that these machines adapt to and to what end? What can be conjectured about the future of our connectivity and the effects it will have on society as a whole?

“In an increasingly globalized world flattened by the Internet and transportation technology, it has become imperative for businesses to reach out and connect with their customers around the word. In China especially, the environment is shifting as the economy becomes more focused on innovation and global development,” commented Yee. “That’s why today the language translation industry plays an important role in helping companies localize and deploy their products successfully in world markets.”

As ever increasing volumes of data and information are generated, from increasingly interconnected sources, it is pertinent to wonder how we determine what is urgent, accurate and actionable. With the parallel and linked evolution of artificial and human intelligence, VR and AR, new frameworks are required to ensure that insights and correlations from the intelligence within the IoT create a faster-growing, healthier, and wealthier global society.

There were a huge number of topics explored throughout the conference – from the local election victory for Donald Trump in America to Terrorists manipulating technology to weaponize the ‘things’ around us, such as cars and other vehicles, to threaten society. The heads of global technology companies gathered together to discuss these issues that ultimately help to lay down the blueprint for the stability of the future. Yee was honored to be asked to provide her opinion alongside other visionaries at the Techonomy Conference to help conjecture and ruminate on the course of society’s technological developments and discuss which directions should be considered.  Directions with platforms such as WeChat, and Xiaomi and how increasingly it is the western world and not China that is the“copy cat”.  There was also China’s movement towards cleaner energy  that has been stronger than many western countries at this point, and Chinese car companies pushing electric vehicles more. These are just a few examples of the many possible talking points that Yee was able to take advantage of.

As the nature of globalization and translation changes with the ever-evolving status of technology, companies like CSOFT must always be aware of the changing trends and tides. The opportunities for increased cooperation and communication between nations and businesses, like the Techonomy Conference, put CSOFT at the forefront of this progression.

Learn more about CSOFT’s translation and localization solutions here.

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