in Life at CSOFT

Hi everyone! For those who didn’t know, last Tuesday was China’s official kick-off to the new year, closing up the Year of the Tiger and welcoming the Year of the Rabbit. The Chinese New Year period is also known as Spring Festival, which is an interesting and firecrackin’-fantastic time of the year to see family, travel, and relax.

Straight from the Source - Chinese New Year

In today’s Straight from the Source we’ll share some stories from various members of the CSOFT family, providing insight into Chinese New Year and different ways to celebrate.

How did you celebrate Chinese New Year?

Jesse, a Senior Client Services Manager, says:

For Chinese New Year, I was actually overseas, so I didn’t really do anything special. It was kind of a luxury not to do anything (laughs). When I was a child, I used to do a lot, celebrating with all the Chinese traditions. I think Chinese New Year is a very special occasion for the country, and a nice one too. Everyone goes back to their hometowns to reunite with family. It was also nice coming back to Beijing. The city was half empty; there were no traffic headaches.

Alice, an Italian translator, says:

For me, it was my first time in China for the New Year. People told me a little bit about it, so I knew what to expect. It’s funny to compare it with Italy, though. We also have traditions using fireworks, but it is always done by professionals, never by individuals just for personal amusement. Here, they went off all night and all week long. It was interesting to watch and be a part of.

Lina, a Production Specialist, says:

My hometown is not too far from Beijing so it’s pretty convenient for me to go back for Spring Festival. Even though it is a very special and important holiday in China, because my hometown is so close to a big city, my family and I don’t really continue with that many Chinese New Year traditions and customs anymore. It was nice to spend time with my mom and dad, though. We talked a lot and did some shopping. Spring Festival always goes by too quickly.

Melissa, a Marketing Writer, says:

Chinese New Year in Beijing is bright and loud with fireworks, and also a great time for adventure. I spent part of the week in Beijing with friends. I was actually on a train on Chinese New Year’s eve, and it was really a sight to look out the window and see all the different villages, towns, and cities celebrating with the same bright and loud fireworks. My favorite part of the holiday is definitely the dumplings, though. Making them is fun, but eating them at midnight is even better.

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    1. We got a grand Chinese New Year Parade in Paris as usual, lion dance, dragon dance, firecrackers and other Chinese dances from minorities… really entertaining!
      I wish I could have some of those red envelops~

    2. I’m looking forward to the Chinese New Year’s Parade in San Francisco!
      It’s got a really fun festive atmosphere and the colors are always so beautiful =]

    3. Though I can’t go back to China for reunion with family. dumplings are made and tasted here in Beantown. :-)

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