in Localization Tips, Technical Writing

CSOFT, a leader in the TC industry in China, hopes that you can join us at the tcworld China 2017 event taking place in Shanghai from May 8th to May 9th 2017. Attendees can expect to hear from various speakers representing different companies and institutions such as Huawei, Microsoft, Lenovo, Parson AG, Peking University, Tongji University, and many more.

Such an event allows participants to learn and discuss about current, relevant, and future trends shaping the TC industry in China. Participants can expand their networks, making new contacts with colleagues and experts in related fields.

tcworld promises to bring a diverse range of thought-provoking sessions and presentations, creating a satisfying and wholesome experience for attendees. Some of the topics that will be covered include dynamic publication of intelligent information; information behavior and user support; building the next generation of dynamic content delivery systems; and best practices for termbase design.

Included among some of the interesting developments and trends that will be covered in the event will be a presentation by CSOFT’s Joshua Hughman. His presentation will focus on overcoming technical communication pain points for Chinese companies going global. Examples of such pain points include overcoming the ‘Made in China’ bias and finding and retaining qualified, professional, and native language writers in China.

CSOFT is dedicated to the development of the technical communications industry in China, which is why we’re not only presenting at the tcworld China 2017 conference but also why hosting a special training seminar on May 10th. The session will be held in the CSOFT Shanghai office and will include:

  • The 12 top language rules that cover Clarity, Concreteness and Style
  • Technical writing best practices including ‘subject / verb proximity’ and ‘avoiding empty words’
  • Industry experts from Midea and Hover Camera discussing the secrets of their success
  • Other writers from top Chinese companies sharing knowledge
  • A team of technical writing experts that have worked with China’s most successful companies including Huawei, Alibaba, Midea, Didi, and many more…
  • Free drinks, refreshments, and gifts
Creating Technical Documentation For Western Audiences

Time: 9.30am – 11.30am
Where: CSOFT Shanghai Headquarters 1539 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an Kerry Center, Building 2, 12F, Shanghai 上海市静安区南京西路 1539 号静安嘉里中心 2 座 12 楼

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With such a compelling view on the state of Technical Communications today, companies that sell TC as a service would really be missing out if they dont make it to tcworld from May 8th to May 9th – and to the workshop on May 10th. CSOFT are honored to be asked and able to provide our expertise on the subject. Stay tuned for more updates!

Written by Tarance Mathebula – Technical Writer at CSOFT International

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