in In The News

Hi everyone! Simply CSOFT is back to get you up to speed with the news stories making headlines this week in the virtual reality and in the tech world. Chickens may soon be taking the first substantive steps toward living in the Matrix, new research shows that young blood can make older cells young at heart (muscles), a Russian satellite misses its target, and Google Glass goes on sale!

Virtual Reality…For Chickens

This week in an unlikely piece of news, a professor from Iowa State University is promoting virtual reality headsets designed for chickens. Austin Stewart is using Oculus Rift to make a virtual free-range environment for factory-farmed chickens so the caged birds can live a second life where they believe they are free. Stewart expects that, given the psychological benefits of this sham existence, the chickens will develop more like their free-range brethren and humans will have the benefit of better nutrition at a lower cost.

Young Blood

Good news for senior vampires: new research shows that old muscles and livers heal faster when exposed to the blood of the young. A fresh infusion of junior blood stimulates stem cells in the elderly, causing them to generate new tissue. Stem cells, the supply centers for new tissue, create new, healthy material that takes the place of dead or dying cells. In older animals, though, the process breaks down, leading to what we normally refer to as “aging.” With this new research it seems there may be a way around getting another year older—provided you don’t mind the gruesome form this medicine takes.

Advanced Satellite Meets Fiery End

Russia’s most advanced satellite to date, the Express-AM4R, road a Proton-M rocket into either the Altai Mountains or the Pacific Ocean this past week, a source told RIA Novosti. For reasons as yet unknown, the rocket’s emergency engines shutdown 540 seconds into the launch before the third and final stage of the missile could separate. All of the fuel and likely the rocket and onboard satellite burnt up in the thick layers of the Earth’s atmosphere but Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, has warned, “Individual small fragments of the rocket could have fallen.” So if you’ve got a picnic planned in Kazakhstan this weekend, better be safe and bring an umbrella.

Google Glass Goes Public

On April 15th this year, Google Glass went on sale for a single day in the U.S. and now Google is bringing its wearable gadget out for the general public to purchase. “We learned a lot when we opened our site a few weeks ago,” Google wrote on the Google Glass Google+ page, “So we’ve decided to move to a more open beta.” That means they’re inviting everyone—in the U.S.A., that is—to buy and try Google Glass. With a $1,500 price tag, it’s an expensive experiment but for some being a fashion/technology innovator is priceless.


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