in Events

Are you ready  for the New Year and a fresh start? Well, CSOFT International answered with a resounding YES! Simply CSOFT is excited to announce the launch of our new website design which marks a fresh start for CSOFT as we welcome in the New Year. The new website is not only faster and easier to navigate, but it also helps our clients to get to know CSOFT better.


As we at Simply CSOFT previously noted, 2013 marks a special year for CSOFT as it celebrates 10 years of phenomenal growth. Our last stop on the company’s 10-10-10 Anniversary Roadshow will be our Chinese New Year Celebration in Shanghai on January 17, 2014. For more information, updates, or to confirm in joining this event, please email

When reminiscing about the past 11 months, the CSOFT family can now attest that putting together a yearlong 10-10-10 celebration—ten events in ten cities to celebrate ten years—is no easy task. Big thanks to those who had to pull multiple all-nighters at the office to work their magic on the road show. It definitely wasn’t easy but we couldn’t have asked for a better year. With the launch of the new website, CSOFT is ready to ring in the Year of the Horse and embark on another successful decade of continuing to help companies succeed in global markets.

If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT’s globalization and localization solutions, don’t forget to visit!

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