in Localization Tips, Translation

stepes mobile translation

Hailed as the Uber of translation services (for reasons that will become obvious shortly), Stepes is a new and revolutionary mobile translation platform that any company or individual can use to immediately connect with 50,000+ translators based in 6 different continents.  The need behind its creation was articulated well by Carl Yao, the company’s founder, in an interview with the South China Morning Post:

“There are only 250,000 professional translators who service the world’s demand for translation, but there are over 3.65 billion people who are able to speak more than one language…We think Stepes’ mobile-based translation will make translation… mainstream, so that everybody can participate and translate.”

In addition to its on-demand applicability, Stepes is also the first human-powered translation app. This makes it a great alternative to Google Translate for those who are looking for higher quality translations that are free of mistakes.

Below, we detail the two main that (should be ways that) you can leverage Stepes’ capabilities to widen either your business or personal horizons.

Document Translation

Stepes can be used to translate anything from press releases and blogs to user guides and emails. The process for getting a project off the ground is as simple uploading your document or copy and pasting your text into the app. Then, after approving the instant quote provided, a human translator will immediately begin working on your content. This direct contact via mobile with a translator makes it possible to shorten traditional translation times from days to just minutes.

Why use “Stepes Translate” for your documents? Stepes is much more than Google Translate, in that it provides translation results almost just as fast, but with a human touch. The result is content that is always contextually accurate, semantically up-to-date, and culturally appropriate—all of which a 100% machine-powered translation service cannot guarantee.

One-on-One Translators and Interpreters

Another advantage of using Stepes is that the app greatly simplifies the ordeal of finding private translators or interpreters on short notice. By using Stepes, you can easily scour the network for language professionals in your area, in order to find someone who can perfectly fit your requirements. It’s great for those situations when you need a translator or interpreter for a set period of time, such as during an event requiring live interpretation or even when you’re traveling abroad.

As more people travel internationally for both business and leisure, interpretation has become one of the fastest growing areas of language services worldwide. Stepes’ chat-based solutions and its large network of professional human interpreters makes requesting on-the-go, live interpretation as simple as sending a text message.

To all those wanderlust professionals and adventurers reading out there, download Stepes via the Apple App Store or Google Play and simplify your life today.

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