in Language Technology

A graphic depicting TermWiki's Wall of latest updates.We understand that new technology might be intimidating at first. To ease any anxiety you might have and to help you maximize use and productivity, sit back, relax, and get ready to have your socks blown off as we explore the subject of term management! In an attempt to establish open lines of communication and to mitigate any confusion, today’s post will be a roundup of definitions regarding TermWiki features.

To first define the tool, TermWiki is:

  • a social learning network that supports multilingual terminology and definitions.
  • a web-based platform where users are able to collaboratively develop terms, definitions, and translations. TermWiki strives for the most perfect definitions and translations by way of its wiki-based nature.
  • organized by industry, product category, and language.
  • a space to search for and share existing terminology and definitions.

Need help identifying the difference between vaccines? Want to learn more about physical geography? Learning Japanese and are looking for a dictionary resource? Find what you need within seconds using TermWiki.

There are a variety of features that make TermWiki simple to navigate, user-friendly, and enjoyable to use:

  • Term in the News: Located on the front page of TermWiki, Term in the News allows users to contribute or search for terms related to current events. Term in the News terms will also include an image and links to relevant news articles. The idea of Term in the News is to help users understand terms that are receiving a lot of media coverage at the time of submission. It is a way of understanding terms within a day-to-day context.
  • Below Term in the News is a collection of Featured Terms, which include terms that are not necessarily relevant to current events, but are fun and interesting to learn about. Sometimes funky, sometimes funny, sometimes ridiculous, Featured Terms are always good for topic conversations.
  • My Glossary: My Glossary is a feature that allows users to develop, import, export, edit or share their own glossaries online. It is the perfect tool for translators or users looking for a common space to collaboratively develop or share a glossary.
  • TermWiki toolbar: TermWiki’s very own toolbar helps make access even easier than typing in a web address. Download the toolbar to instantly search for a term or contribute to the community termbase. With the toolbar, users are also able to access the TermWiki web page as well as the TermWiki workbench.
  • TermWiki Workbench: Specific to translation, the TermWiki Workbench allows users to translate a number of terms at once within a specific industry. This is an especially practical and functional tool for translators with their own area of expertise.
  • User contribution box: Whenever a user contributes a term, definition, or translation, that page will also feature a user contribution box, which includes the user’s name, avatar, profile link, messaging option, and list of other terms he or she has contributed.
    On a similar note, each time a user edits a term or definition, the page will also include that user’s name, date the revision was made, and what was revised. This supplies users with a highly-structured and detailed tracking system to ensure quality contributions and support constant improvement of information quality for communal use.
  • The newest feature, TermWiki Forum: Now available in the beta version, the TermWiki Forum encourages discussions about all things related to language, terminology, and localization, or anything that you want to open a dialogue about. Don’t forget to stop by and introduce yourself today!

Hope this helps! If you’re interested in more information or have additional questions, feel free to email

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