in Language Technology

It’s countdown time! Here at CSOFT, we’re excited. Sure, it’s Friday. We’ve had a fantastic lunch. The sun outside is shining, hints of spring in the air. But that’s not all we have to be excited about….

You see, TermWiki is about to hit its one millionth term. One millionth! So yes, we are excited! Stop on by to check out the countdown.

To all of you who have contributed, translated, believed in us; all who are now certified TermWiki-heads, who have offered us your advice, feedback and constructive criticism; all who see the potential in TermWiki, who have told a friend about TermWiki, who have been with us from the very beginning or just since yesterday…

… to you, our biggest thank you, one million times over. We couldn’t have done it without you, and we appreciate your effort more than you can imagine.

We saw TermWiki’s potential from the very beginning, but it still astounds us every time we realize how rapidly TermWiki is developing and moving around the world. Below we have illustrating some quick and easy facts to help you digest this growth.

At TermWiki, the numbers are forever changing, and you can be a part of that movement. Share, collaborate, translate and learn something by visiting today! And don’t forget that the TermWiki one millionth term countdown is now underway. The user who enters the one millionth will also be awarded a surprise prize, so go on and keep contributing!

If you’re interested in translation, localization, or even if you just like to read the occasional blog, make sure to visit!

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