in Language Technology, Our People, Translation

Localization is not only about words; it is about nuance. Language service providers like CSOFT have grown and flourished because cross-cultural projects are essential. Delivering high-quality translations is how we build pride in ourselves, how we instill confidence in our clients, and how they tell the world about their great ideas.

How 3 CSOFT Linguists Ensure Translation Quality

François Bouté, Marija Denić, Claudia Criscino, Tony Chang

Marija Denić, one of CSOFT’s Slavic linguists, came from Serbia with fifteen years of localization experience. She admired CSOFT after years of freelance collaboration and decided to relocate from Serbia to China to join the team. “Quality translation is a very long process depending, of course, on the requirements of the client. CSOFT is dedicated to that kind of process. They care about the people they hire, about their clients, and about good translation.” The rigorous process begins with the managers who secure a set of relevant documents and communication lines from the outset, because great localization comes from rich context.

Tony Tang was born in China’s Sichuan Province and specializes in Mandarin translation for CSOFT. “After I receive the package from the managers, I visit the client website to learn about what they are currently offering. Then I check past documents before I start to translate. When I finish, I do a self-check and then submit for review. The next reviewer will come back to me with comments and feedback so I know what kinds of errors are taking place.” CSOFT team members have access to high quality software. For example, the automatic translation control tool catches basic but essential errors that can sometimes be overlooked.

Claudia Criscino is our German language specialist but she is also fluent in Romanian and English, with strong French, Mandarin, and Italian skills. “Often the problem is that I review an English translation and something is not working. So, I go back into the Chinese source and I discover that the English translation is the problem. The German translator cannot read Chinese. He must rely on the English source.”

At CSOFT we have the luxury of great tools and the ability to refer back to those who have worked on our projects in the past. This is built into our process. “Of course we have software, glossaries, and style guides, but these change with each client,” noted François Bouté, one of our French linguists hailing from Nantes, France, “I would say one of the best resources we have is each other. There are four of us (on the French team) so we solve problems quickly. If there is a sentence that I am not happy with and I want to find a word or a phrase that sounds better, I just have to ask. Different inputs and different points of view allow translations to bloom.”


François and French team

CSOFT’s achievements result from great talent, proven software, and great clients. Our quality assurance system incorporates human and machine scrutiny and provides our specialists with clear discussion channels and a team environment. We are dedicated to opening communication between international communities and we’ve built that idea directly into our localization process.

            Written by Jacob Horton – Technical Writer at CSOFT International

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