in Localization Tips, Our People

Welcome back for Tuesday Tips, where we share three localization pointers and the tricks of the localization and translation trade from different members of the CSOFT Family. Read on to see what Jayki, one of our rockin’ project managers (PMs) here at CSOFT, has to say about smooth operations, handling problems, and maintaining professional ties.

Provide clear requirements and expectations.

Jayki remembers a project where the client insisted on including an additional round of review right from the beginning. It’s always reassuring for PMs when the client cares about QA as much as they do, but this example not only highlights the importance of quality, it also illustrates how helpful explicit requirements and expectations are for PMs.

First acknowledge, then address. And be specific!

Jayki believes in first acknowledging the problem, and then addressing it. He also believes problems should be explained in detail so a solution can be found more efficiently. For translators specifically, Jayki understands that some projects have near impossible deadlines. Rush fees are attached, documents are added, time is needed. The most important thing for Jayki is that concerns are communicated clearly and reasonably. A solution can’t be found if the problem is not acknowledged.

Maintain good relations… with everyone.

It’s part of a PM’s job to create good and healthy relationships with everyone within the localization process, both internal and external. This, of course, includes the client, and also the production team(s), translators, and the PM’s own support team. Sometimes, the only way to get what is needed is to keep knocking at the door, but do it in a way that is professional and cordial.

Jayki is a born-and-raised local Beijinger. He has not traveled much, but dreams to one day. He enjoys listening to music, anything from pop to rap, and lists Eminem as one of his favorite artists. Jayki loves eating sashimi, but stays away from spicy food. If you’re nice to him, he might be persuaded to use his skills in the kitchen and make you a cheesecake!

If you’re interested in translation, localizing, or even if you just like to read the occasional blog, check out our website here.

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    1. I like this. Good insight from a PM’s POV.

      Thanks for sharing, Jayki!

    2. Very good tips!
      I know this guy, a good PM, and a good dancer.

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