in Language & Culture

Welcome back for Issue Ten of Your Own Terms, the biweekly comic about Sir Terminus: Crusader of Logic, Manly Valor, and Multilingual Terminology Management. This week we offer you: Four Conversations That Translators Love (NOT!).

For this week’s comic, we thought we’d take a small break from Terminus’ shenanigans and focus a bit on the trials and tribulations of translators, the proverbial lifeblood of everything we do in the translation and localization industry. We hope you enjoy :)

Your Own terms: Translators and the conversations they dread

Translators out there… got any other fun ones to share?

Keep up with Terminus and his multilingual shenanigans by visit!

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    [dqr_code size="120" bgcolor="#fff"]
    1. So true! Although the perk of working as a translator is that it is very easy to keep slim. Well done!

    2. Creativity that gets the message across–great stuff. These friday comics are a riot!

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