in I Translate I Transform, Life at CSOFT, Our People

I Translate: Does Everyone in Turkey Wear a Fez?

Today, we continue our video series with an interview with Rafet Saltik, a freelance translator from Turkey at CSOFT International. During our last Summit, we had a wonderful reunion with some of our freelance linguists. The event was the perfect opportunity for us to launch I Translate, I Transform, a campaign we’ve been talking about for the last couple of weeks. The initiative aims to promote translators around the world and raise awareness about the importance of language.

Today we are talking to one of our Turkish translators. Many people think that everyone in Turkey wears a fez and has ridden a camel at least once in their life. Is it true, though? Our Turkish expert Saltik explains some of these stereotypes and the reason why he’s been translating for more than three decades.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Join I Translate and transform the world in your own unique way. Like the I Translate Facebook page and take part in our exciting competitions for a chance to win exclusive CSOFT prizes.  

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