in Translation

The Holiday Translation Rush (Sleep is for Slackers)

For the past month or so, translators in the blogosphere and Twitter have been eerily silent as everyone deals with eleventh-hour translation projects before the holidays. Some are even holiday translation projects, and although we hate to add fuel to the fire, we’d still like to throw this out there:

If your company has any holiday translation requests, feel free to send them CSOFT’s way. There are three reasons why you should:

  • CSOFT delivers translation quotes within a few hours.
  • CSOFT does not charge rush fees for urgent requests.
  • CSOFT’s client services teams, as well as our professional localization engineers, DTP artists, in-country translators and quality management teams, work in multiple shifts to give our clients 24/7/365 service—even over holidays!

Do you have any urgent translation needs?

There are quite a few ways to contact us for urgent translation requests.

  • If you’re based in the States, feel free to call us +1-415-889-8989, or shoot an e-mail to
  • If you’re based in Asia, feel free to call us +86-10-5736-6000 or shoot an e-mail to
  • Go to our main site and email or chat with one of our customer service reps

Regardless of which method you use to contact us, we will get back with you right away.

We hope everyone out there as an amazingly warm and relaxing holiday (as well as a Joyous Chanunzaamas!), and we’ll see you back here on Simply CSOFT after the New Year.

Thanks for stopping by, and take care!

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