in Localization Tips, Translation

Translation vs Localization – What’s the Difference?

We’re here to break it down and establish a sense of clarity in the translation vs localization debate. There are two questions that anyone working in the translation and localization industry is guaranteed to be asked: “What is it you do, exactly?” and “Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying you translate?” Check out our info graph below and you’ll see they are very different. Yet the should be mutually exclusive. Any translation requires a strong localization strategy. So maybe the headline shouldn’t be translation vs localization after all, but instead, be translation and localization, the perfect marriage.

Translation vs Localization

If you have any questions about CSOFT’s localization services, feel free to contact us with any requests or inquiries you might have. We work in around the world and around the clock to provide you with 24/7 service throughout the year, even over Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Chinese New Year, and every other holiday you can imagine.


If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT’s globalization and localization solutions, visit our TwitterFacebook, or LinkedIn pages or you can visit our webpage!

Learn more about CSOFT’s translation and localization services here.

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    1. Really a nice infographic presentation, it clearly explains the difference of translation of localization. With the help of this information we can easily determine whether we need translation services or localization services

      • Hi Jack,
        Thanks for your comment!
        We’ve found that there’s quite a lot of confusion out there about the differences between translation and localization, and so thought we’d help with this infographic. Feel free to share!
        Thanks again, and keep reading!
        T for Translation

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