in All Things Localization, Translation

Your website is everyone’s window to your company, its values, and to you. Now, the person on the other side of said window could be your next-door neighbor, a college student across town, or even a mother in France. That being said, when was the last time you analyzed the user data on your website. At the very least, you understand that your business is doing well, but how many sales have been lost due to your website not being available in the user’s native language? In other words, what is keeping you from doing great? Website translations are key to ensuring your business content and services are assessible across the globe. Without it, companies struggle to gain greater market share gain.

Website Translations Will Help Your Business Is Go Global!

The beauty of the internet is that with the click of a button you can acquire whatever it is you want. Taking a closer look at the data (there it is again), the customer base that you worked hard to grow has long since included pockets of foreign consumers scattered across the globe. A properly translated website goes along way in converting foreign visits into sales. Furthermore, website translations enables you to market your product or service across diverse cultures and borders.

Your Competitors Are(n’t) Doing It

No matter the industry you’re operating in, you have competitors. A key differentiation is the accessibility of your website. The more you are able to connect with a growing global audience, the more you set your business apart from your competitors. Like any competition, you can only stay on top by being one step ahead, and in this case, a localized website can help you rise above your competitors. It will most definitely help with your global SEO as well.

The World Speaks More Than Just One Language

That’s really it. Even countries that share borders can speak a completely different language or perhaps a different dialect. If your goal is to grow internationally (why stop at the edge of your city), don’t feel content with just one language. Analyze your data and figure out which languages you’ll need to best break into new markets.

Here at CSOFT, we handle website translations for over 100 different languages. The world is not limited to any one language, let alone culture. A small investment to localize your website can go a long way for your business, or at the very least, keep up with your competition. If you’re not sure, just look at the data! To learn more about CSOFT’s website translations learn more here.

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