in CSOFT Annual Summit, Life at CSOFT

CSOFT Stories: Sherry Wu on Global Delivery, Olympic Inspiration, and Hats

With all the hustle and bustle going on here at Simply CSOFT, we’d like to take a second to share another CSOFT Story. This week we hear from CSOFT’s Senior Director of Global Delivery, Sherry Wu, who, as it turns out, happens to be an expert in the field of multi-hat wearing. Check out her interview below!

CSOFT Stories

What is an important lesson you’ve learned over the years?

My roles and responsibilities have changed a lot over the years. I started in the industry as a technical translator because of my knowledge of polymer materials, which I studied at university. I was a translator for three years before I joined CSOFT as a desktop publisher.

In the beginning, especially, when CSOFT was just starting up, there were times when I had to wear multiple hats, acting as a functional manager in one respect or as a part of the operations team in others. This kind of flexibility has been fundamental to both my personal development and that of the company’s. I’ve learned a lot of important lessons during my time here, but I guess I would say one of the most important lessons is to never underestimate your ability to adapt and grow.

What sets CSOFT apart?

I think it’s a combination of two interweaving elements: the character of each individual here at CSOFT and the culture of the company. Each and every person here pursues excellence. We try to make excellence a habit. This has become our culture, a pursuit of and passion for excellence. People create culture, and culture reinforces certain qualities in people.

People make things happen. CSOFT employees – alone they may seem ordinary, but together, they can make the impossible possible. If each team can unite together under the same goal, they can achieve that goal… liaobuqi… it’s terrific!

You are responsible for managing so many people and details daily. How do you do it?

Every day is full of potential surprises and a new challenge waits around every corner, but people are the solution: capable, dedicated people.

I always do my best to be sincere and frank, to take care of people and give them the respect, understanding, and support that I expect to receive in turn. That makes my work easier. You know, people make things happen. If there is any magic trick, this is one indeed. People support each other, people trust each other – I think this is the secret to CSOFT’s success.

Sherry Wu

Any advice to the younger generation starting at CSOFT?

Work hard, be persistent, and be patient. The next generation of CSOFTers are becoming pillars of the company, many of them growing into important roles in various positions. They all work extremely hard, but what they need to remember is that growth can be difficult, painful even. Pain – in the form of a greater workload, pressure, or struggles – can be a good sign. It means you’re expanding your limits and growing stronger, ready to take on greater responsibility. “No pain, no gain,” as they say. Smiles

If you had to pick a song to represent CSOFT’s 10th year, what would it be?

We have a Chinese song – it’s from 2007, I believe; from just before the Olympic Games. It’s called “We Are Ready” and it acknowledges China’s hosting the Olympics in Beijing. A lot of famous Chinese artists sang together to let the world know that China was indeed ready for the Olympics. It’s a grand song. I think it’s suitable because it expresses CSOFT’s past ten years and shows that we are ready for the next ten years of growth.

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