in Language Technology, Localization Tips, Our People

Getting back into the groove of things, it’s time for our biweekly Tuesday Tips on localization and translation from different members of the CSOFT family. Today we’d like introduce Annette Hemera.

Annette Hemera is a European business development manager at CSOFT, who comes from a strong background with over 10 years of experience in project management, consulting and training in the localization industry. For this edition of Tuesday tips, Annette Hemera will share with everyone some insight on how to make the most of your localization budget.

1. Concentrate on flagships.

First, before investing in localization and translation services, identify the area(s) of service or products from which you will benefit the most with an international release. There’s no need to localize everything at first, and given the sheer amount of written and technical content that most companies are dealing with, it’s entirely too cost-prohibitive to focus on anything other than your strong points. Depending on the industry or sector, you should focus on aspects of your business that distinguish your company from those already present in your target market(s), whether they be individual products, services, or value-added specialties.

2. Start at the roots.

Annette believes that part of your localization budget should also be devoted to building a strong localization foundation within your company. Even though this will probably entail a significant investment of time, energy and also training, it is one of the most important ways to secure a maximum localization ROI in the long run. Building a strong foundation can be as simple as making sure that your internal L10N team understands the tools and resources available for use (CAT tools, CMS, terminology management systems, etc.) and training them to use these resources to their fullest capacity.

3. Think long-term. And do your research.

Something Annette always tells her clients is to think long-term. Research first, then based on what you’ve learned choose the venues of communication and materials best suited for the projects that are most in-line with your company’s overall objectives. By thinking long-term, you pinpoint what’s most important for the company’s growth overseas, which enables you to go down that path with fewer detours and obstructions.

Born, raised, and currently residing in Budapest, Hungary, Annette Hamera is one of CSOFT’s business development managers for the European market. When not working, she enjoys everything related to literature, theatre and languages, and also takes time to hike and travel. Annette’s favorite thing to eat is a Hungarian dish called Csirkepörkölt—an illegally delicious stew made with chicken and paprika—which she savors while reading or doing some writing of her own.

If you have any questions for Annette Hamera, or are interested in how she can help you better identify and realize your organization’s globalization/localization goals, feel free to write her at And, as always, if you’re interested in translation, localization, or even if you just like to read the occasional blog, make sure to visit!

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