in Localization Tips, Our People

Tuesday Tips is back once again with tips on translation and localization pointers from different members of the CSOFT family. Today, our chief quality control guru, James, will shed some light on how quality is influenced by communication, customization, and massages (yes, that’s right, massages).

Quality control requires controlled communication.

James believes that to secure quality assurance, communication is absolutely essential. Quality control not only demands clear communication, but communication within a single platform, so all parties involved receive the same message and have access to an official and efficient channel for communicating. This can come in many different forms, as long as the chosen method provides a venue for detailing requirements, providing updates, and offering a space for discussions and feedback.

Customization within a world of standards

One of the ways QA works is by having set standards that guide a process and control the outcome of a project. But the reality is that most localization buyers have their own desired course to follow, or they want to emphasize a specific component of a project. For example, marketing material may focus more on aesthetics and appeal, while projects in life sciences will focus more on accuracy. In order to secure quality results, both the client and the vendor must clearly define their requirements. Questions are not only helpful, but necessary for identifying how to get the best results while customizing the project to meet a client’s unique requirements.

Don’t forget to quality massage!

Within each individual project, the process for quality control may veer off track sometimes. This calls for what James identifies as “quality massaging.” What James means by this is that sometimes the focus of a project becomes meeting deadlines or achieving better efficiency in time and resources. This is where quality massaging is necessary. When it comes down to it, every aspect of the project is connected to quality: the efficient use of time, labor, the communication between team members. By massaging quality into all the different areas of the project, quality is ensured in the end result.

James Li comes from one of Beijing’s neighboring cities, Tianjin. He came to Beijing after graduation and really enjoys living in the cultural capital of China. His career interests focus on globalization and discovering best practices to ensure quality. His hobbies center around anything traditional, whether it’s traditional Chinese medicine or practicing a traditional Chinese instrument, the xun, which he plays to soothe the newest female addition of his family to sleep. He says the extreme differences in his professional and personal life help keep things in balance.

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    1. This is really great – set up the platform, set the standards, but be flexible with it – and don’t take yourself so seriously along the way! What a balanced approach.

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