in CSOFT Annual Summit, Life at CSOFT

With CSOFT’s Annual World Summit fast approaching (it’s only a month away now, folks!) there’s a noticeable buzz around the office as everyone prepares. Over here at Simply CSOFT, we’re excited to have the opportunity to hang out with so many of our global team members, including Hiroshi Matsumoto, our Lead Japanese Linguist, and this week’s CSOFT Story – Hiroshi Matsumoto.

CSOFT Stories

Hi Hiroshi Matsumoto, what is your definition of a good translator?

I believe a good translator is one who takes on full responsibility to deliver a top-quality final product to the client.  Good translators need to be people who can handle high-pressure situations, and they should also be trained as localization specialists. That is, they should be linguists who understand their target audience, are experts of the subject-matter they are working with, and are producers of high-quality translations.

In principle, when I translate, I work to reduce the client reviewer’s workload as much as possible. We concentrate on our job – understanding our target audience and being subject-matter specialists – to let them concentrate on theirs – gaining market access and expansion.

How has the industry changed in the last ten years?

Not necessarily the industry, but Japan has been through some changes with regard to localization. It was difficult when CSOFT Japan was first established because computer aided translation tools were not common in Japan at that time. We had to start from the very beginning. Because computer aided tools play a significant role in modern translation, I published a guide to localization, which included my experience in this line of work and also explained things that are unique to localization, such as tags for example.

You’re known for your hard work, dedication, and responsiveness. Did these traits develop over time or have they always been a part of your personality?

I think this is my natural character. Everybody has a chance to determine how they live. In my life, I want to live sincerely and contribute by helping people. I try to work as hard as I can unilaterally to be able to collaborate as best as I can with both our production team and customers. Although I was not born intelligent, I work hard.  I do not compromise on satisfaction, no matter how hard it is to obtain.

Hiroshi Matsumoto

What are your thoughts on CSOFT’s next ten years?

It is very important to think about the next decade. The past ten years have passed quickly, but we can’t be sure the current business model will continue to be successful. Therefore, we need to make sure we celebrate the moment, but also look ahead to the next milestone to ensure we stay on track. I think CSOFT can definitely become the number one language services provider of the world.

In order to be a competitive agency in the future, I believe we need to automate translation by building technology. Technology will be a deciding factor for all companies in the future. If CSOFT can succeed in translation automation or machine translation, it will be able to revolutionize the industry.

Which song do you feel best represents CSOFT and why?

An inspirational song that comes to mind is Debby Boone‘s “You Light Up My Life.” This song encourages me to pursue CSOFT’s goal: to be number one, a champion that stands tall in the industry.

If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT’s 10th Annual World Summit, please contact

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