in All Things Localization, Globalization, Localization Tips, Translation

In today’s modern and dynamic workplace, a growing company cannot expand if they aren’t training their employees on new standards and practices. Simply throwing together a PowerPoint deck and distributing it just does not cut it anymore. Let’s face it; what works in one country may not be suitable for another, and so forth. So, what is the best way to teach and communicate your company values and processes across countries? With eLearning, your employees can complete their training from anywhere around the world, on a range of devices. Through eLearning localization, you can ensure your training materials are distributed and adapted for your global audience.

First and foremost, you must respect diverse cultural differences – certain sayings, content, and imagery should be avoided. When creating your training materials, holding it to one global standard (aka internationalization) is the best way to show your employees how much you understand and care about them. Below, we have compiled a list of three areas to be mindful of, which will help smooth out your eLearning localization:

1. Be Flexible with Your Branding for Effective eLearning Localization

Brand adaptability is encouraged. Consider the following: you’re a big fan of red and it plays a large part in your corporate branding. It should be noted that while red is considered a lucky color in China, you should never write anyone’s name in red – it signifies wishing someone ill. In this case, settle for a more universal color, even if it means you can’t use red.

2. Use Meaningful Localized Graphics

This is not about using stock photos because that should rarely be the case. This is about choosing photos that are relatable across cultures. While the word “family” brings up various images to mind, there are differences in its perception between eastern and western cultures. In the east, you may consider putting grandparents in a photo because in those cultures it is nothing short of uncommon.

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3. Managing Tailored Scenarios with eLearning Localization

Often times, the best way to test understanding is by presenting a scenario, but a scenario is only best understood when it makes sense to the reader. If you write a scenario concerning buying food in a local open-air market, it would not make sense to someone in the US, but these markets are actually a staple across Asia. Keep the market theme, but just be mindful of which markets the locals are used to.

For companies wishing to roll out new standards or training, it is of vast importance that the content is localized appropriately. While you can spend effort into localizing on your own, using a team of culture and language experts will guarantee that your eLearning material becomes a global hit. For more information on how to localize your business’s eLearning materials find out more here!

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