in Translation

e-Learning statistics tell us that it is on the rise as far as Corporate America is concerned. Check this out:

  • Corporations save between 50-70% when they replace instructor-based training with e-Learning, with 85% of the cost for instructor-based training tied to delivery of information (instructor time, travel, etc.).
  • From 1995-2011, the utilization of e-Learning in American corporations grew from 4% to 77%, a growth of almost 2000% over 16 years.

  • While the US and Europe account for the majority of e-Learning programs (more than 70% of the global total), Asia-Pacific countries are steadily catching up: Vietnam has a 44.3% annual growth rate in e-Learning statistics and Malaysia’s is growing at 39.4%. Other Asia-Pacific countries experiencing rapid e-Learning growth (between 30-35%) are Thailand, Philippines, India, and China.
  • 72% of surveyed companies report that e-Learning keeps them aware of any changes in their industry.
  • 73.6% of technology-driven training at Fortune 500 companies comes through networked, online methods. The world’s leading companies, it seems, are taking proper notice of e-Learning.

Today marks the first day of the three-day E-Learning Expo Paris conference, where CSOFT is exhibiting its e-Learning and multimedia localization expertise. As e-Learning courses continue to grow in popularity, this annual event has been concurrently expanding year on year. Let’s take a look at some e-Learning-related findings and other If you happen to be in the Paris area, come check out our booth and learn more about CSOFT’s e-Learning solutions!

If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT’s e-Learning, globalization, and localization solutions, don’t forget to visit!

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    1. Yes,E-learning becomes very vast and trendy so e-learning localization process is very much required.

    2. This is quite shocking considering that the market research firm Common Sense Advisory predicts that this $26 billion market will continue to rise, reaching $38 billion by 2015. With such growth amidst a turbulent global economic climate, even students are showing a growing interest in localization. Already in schools across the globe there is an increased focus on foreign language studies , translation, and language services. Students who are interested in learning how to competently help businesses achieve international success should consider a career in localization.

    3. If you’re interested in learning more about localization, translation or terminology management, don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS feed for automatic updates from T for Translation!

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