in CSOFT Annual Summit, Life at CSOFT

For those of you who missed it, CSOFT’s 10th Annual World Summit took place a couple of weeks ago. Busy times, especially over here at Simply CSOFT. As a result, the blog has received a little less attention in the last month, but have no fear, we’re back to inform, intrigue, and plain entertain you. So sit back, relax, and prepare to hear another CSOFT Story, this one conducted live at the CSOFT Summit in Sanya with CSOFT’s Executive VP of Global Strategy, Carl Yao, transcribed below:

CSOFT Stories

Ross Pfenning: Alright Carl Yao, thank you for joining me here today. Let’s go ahead and get started. If you could please tell us, what are your thoughts on it being CSOFT’s 10th anniversary?

Carl Yao: Well, obviously, I have a lot of thoughts. Just look at this conference hall right here – [CSOFT] has come a long in the last 10 years, so here we all are celebrating a very important milestone in the company’s history. We have one of the best teams in the industry. We have the best set of loyal clients who have supported us throughout the past 10 years, so we thank them for that. But what really needs to be said right now is that when looking forward to the next 10 years, I see an industry that’s really going to experience a big transformation.

The industry has already undergone some massive changes, namely those brought on by the Internet. The Internet has made the world a smaller place. Distance no longer matters and “globalization” is no longer just talked about – it’s real. So that’s the reason the world economy is really becoming one. And that’s where we come in. Localization may have a low barrier to entry but the way to differentiate and succeed in today’s market is through technology – and that places CSOFT in the major drawing. [CSOFT is] not just using the usual technology though. We’re taking a leadership role in terms of coming up with innovative solutions so that we can help companies achieve greater returns on their investment. CSOFT has been doing a lot of system development over the last three to four years, and I’m proud to say that CSOFT now owns one of the largest cloud-based systems in the industry. Our TermWiki system has surpassed five million terms as of yesterday, and the system continues to grow. So I’m very, very excited about the next 10 years.

Ross: You’re responsible for bringing in some of CSOFT’s very first clients. That was back when we didn’t really have a marketing presence, so tell us, what was your secret? How did you do it?

Carl: Well, we didn’t start from nothing. We actually had a pretty good team. Even though we were a small team, our group was fortunate to have some industry veterans with lots of valuable experience. So we didn’t start from scratch. And the other thing really was just a strong determination. The strong desire to succeed really made a difference, and I would also credit something we call “can do.” I think that even though we were just starting, keeping a strong and positive attitude and unrelentingly pursuing the best quality helped to set us apart. So that’s how we started, and that’s what we’ve been doing ever since.

Carl Yao

CSOFT Executive VP Carl Yao Particpates in a CSOFT Story Interview Live at CSOFT Summit

Ross: Alright, you started mentioning a little bit about the future of CSOFT – let’s just forget reality for a second – what is your dream for CSOFT in the next 10 years?

Carl: I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: I would like CSOFT to be a household name the world over. We’ve already experienced a great deal of success as a service-based company. We’ve seen tremendous growth over the last 10 years but going forward we need to be more sophisticated. By combining service and technology, we can really become a major player in global communications. The global economy requires good communication across markets, so we’re taking on the role to effectively deconstruct language barriers. I’m very pleased with what we have accomplished so far and I believe that CSOFT is perhaps the best equipped in terms of helping deconstruct the world’s language barriers.

Ross: Bringing reality back – can you talk a little bit more about the key to CSOFT’s future? I know you touched on technology, but can you go a little bit more into how you think we’ll achieve this future?

Carl: I think one reason CSOFT is seeing the success it is today is because we have one of the most talented teams in the industry. Moving forward, we’re going to continue to institute our plans in terms of technology R&D. Couple that with good old-fashioned customer service and you’ve got a well-established organization that’s trendy – or meili as we’ve been discussing. Not only do we want to be the best in the industry, we want to redefine it. [We want to] create a new type of community that’s based on the concept of global communication using language and technology as the major tools.

Ross: Okay, I have one more question for you, Carl, and that is what song do you feel best represents CSOFT’s 10 year anniversary?

Carl: Well, I was just talking with one of our clients, Paul Liotti. Paul said “Carl Yao, the CSOFT team seems so energetic. The company just feels very full of energy.” One of my favorite songs has always been – and it applies perfectly in this instance – ‘Forever Young.’ I feel like that truly represents what CSOFT is and what CSOFT stands for.

If you’re interested in learning more about CSOFT’s 10th Annual World Summit, please contact

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