in All Things Localization, Technology

How LSPs Can Keep on Truckin’ with Green Tech

As outlined in our recent white paper “Revving for Global Growth: Navigating the Road to Success in Trucking, Transport, and Logistics Localization,” there’s a growing need for Language Service Providers (LSPs) to support innovation in this space, and we’ve noticed a variety of challenges and opportunities on the highways towards an electric and green future and offered some strategies as to how LSPs like CSOFT can help everyone get to their destination on time.

Spinning Our Wheels: Issues Facing the Trucking and Freight Industries

Each January, the 3.5 million registered truck drivers in the United States will hit the roads, beginning a new year of transporting their goods from one area to another – traveling over 295 million miles during the next twelve months. On the highways and byways, they will comprise nearly 65% of all freight traffic, moving over 13 billion tons of materials in a calendar year. Trucking is a stable and honorable career, but it is one with a number of issues, especially for its drivers: with rising fuel costs, the average truck, depending on its size and the weight of its load, averages between 6.6 and 7.6 miles per gallon of diesel fuel.

While these may be one country’s statistics, trucking is essential to all countries’ individual shipping and freight industries and a vital component of international trade. Goods must be moved, and global fuel prices are a massive obstacle on the road. Yet there are solutions emerging: electric vehicles are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and as charging times drop and battery capacity/efficiency increases, the electrification of the trucking industry may prove to be a watershed moment for the movement of goods worldwide.

Challenges and Opportunities in Freight and Transport Localization

Technical Documentation – Like all cars, trucks are complex machines that require a proper understanding of their operating procedures, with life-or-death consequences for the user if an instruction manual is poorly translated or if a training seminar is misunderstood. LSPs can help ensure that these documents and training materials meet regulatory standards and are clear and easy-to-understand to all users.

After-Sales Support: All trucks require maintenance, and some products, due to user error, an unforeseen design flaw, or a technical bug, may require fixing sooner rather than later.

Marketing and Branding – Some companies in this space are already big enough that they do not have to worry about things like brand awareness or in-depth localized marketing campaigns. Most companies are not those companies, and marketing and brand engagement lives and dies on how well a company can reach a local population. Linguists at LSPs can help new and innovative products become local sensations in new target regions by directly reaching the people where they are.

Regulatory Compliance — Each country has unique regulations and standards for vehicle safety, emissions, and other requirements, and juggling all of them for an international product launch can be a complex and difficult task. LSPs can devote specific resources to each, allowing for precision and efficiency while the contracting company is able to focus on what really matters: the product.

Distribution and Service Network Communications — Products, spare parts, maintenance, and customer support: all are a part of the supply chain supporting the launch and post-launch period of a product’s lifespan. LSPs can connect distributors, dealerships, manufacturers, and consumers so that all can easily access much-needed assistance.

Strategies for LSPs in a Green Trucking Future

Website Translation and Localization — Your website is a crucial touchpoint for global audiences, but it is more complex than it may seem. Website localization involves adapting the layout, design, and user interface to align with local preferences and providing constant updates. LSPs can help streamline this process and keep links relevant to search engine crawlers.

eLearning Localization — Comprehensive eLearning localization goes beyond word-for-word translation, focusing on user-friendly contextual adaptation, which is essential for a knowledge-heavy industry like trucking for technical and operational purposes.

Tech-Aided Technical Translation and Localization — Localizing vehicle documentation involves accurately translating technical terms and instructions. Specialized translators working alongside LSPs with workflows and quality assurance standards paired with the ease of machine translation post-editing can ensure consistency and a smooth user experience.

Brand Video Localization and Translation: Video localization is essential for capturing an audience and conveying brand messages, especially in an image-based field like trucking. LSPs can consider regional regulations and apply industry-specific terminology to build trust among any target audience.


As outlined above, trucking is poised for a big shift toward clean energy over the next few decades. As technology improves and new training is required to get manufacturers, operators, and drivers up to speed, LSPs will have a key role in ensuring that everyone involved in the trucking and logistics industry can make the transition. Using an LSP like CSOFT, you can harness the efficiency and promise of new technology at the bleeding edge of innovative transportation and bring everyone with you – customers, employees, and more – on the journey.

Don’t get stranded in the past, out of gas – get in the fast lane towards the future with us! To download the whitepaper, please click here. To learn more or get your next translation project started, contact us today!

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