in All Things Localization

Starting in early 2024, New York State began a new public health program in which robotic companions are placed with solitary elderly people to keep them company and improve their overall well-being. Although the rollout has been successful thus far in NY, AI driven robotic companions will encounter significant barriers to universal adoption outside of the original target demographic. Due to the challenges presented by populations with diverse language and cultural backgrounds, a robot seeking to become a universal companion must be an expert on language translation and cultural adaptation. While AI enhanced software may allow the robot to conduct these processes internally, it will doubtlessly be lacking the nuanced touch and implicit knowledge of social customs that is critical to human interaction. By collaborating with CSOFT’s global teams of expert translators, linguists and subject matter experts to explore robotic companion localization, a robotics company can improve its product’s ability to navigate connections and relationships with people from all around the world no matter their language or cultural background.

Robotic Companions for the Elderly: the Newest Cutting-edge Tech Trend

In recent years, and even before the outbreak of the global pandemic in 2020, aging populations have become increasingly solitary. According to many healthcare organizations, this isolation in old age has been medically proven to increase depression and can cause a decrease in physical health and wellbeing. To learn more about this topic check out the NHS’s webpage on “Loneliness in older people.” While most elderly folk lived most of their lives without computers or advanced technology, new trends in robotics and AI have led to the creation of robotic companions. The purpose of these non-moving robots, which take the shape of an abstract head/bust, is to have conversations that are meant to connect with and comfort those who lack human company. Starting in January 2024, New York State has implemented a program in which robotic companions, specifically Intuition Robotics’ ElliQ, are being placed in the homes of elderly residents to improve their mental and physical well-being. Check out the New York Time’s article “For Older People Who Are Lonely, Is the Solution a Robot Friend?” Although this cutting-edge rollout is not without resistance to the potential dangers of AI, robotic companions and aids will doubtlessly become a fixture in our everyday lives in the not-so-distant future. While the technology for this feat is well within the grasp of innovators, these robotic companions will doubtlessly struggle to connect with a diverse population of elders without proper localization.

Meet ElliQMeet ElliQ

Language Limitations: Teaching Monolinguistic Robots to Create Convincing Conversations

One major challenge facing NY’s program is brought by diverse populations. Specifically, a robot that is developed in the United States by Americans will certainly be well-equipped to discuss American cultural touchstones with older Americans. That same robot, however, would lack the nuanced knowledge and understanding required to carry on the same conversation with someone who grew up in a completely different culture, especially if that conversation is in a foreign language. This obstacle is already preventing Intuition Robotics’ ElliQ from gaining more widespread adoption because it only speaks English and is sold exclusively in the United States, according to its website FAQs. Even without considering international markets, it is unacceptable for a companion robot to only speak English, especially considering the diversity that is found in large cities like NYC. From this, multilingual support is essential to ensuring that no person from any language background is left without a robot companion.

Related:  From Launch to Landing: How localization can make or break a company in the new space race. 

While it may appear that a program or software like Google Translate would offer a simple solution to the problem of a robot’s monolinguistic limitations, experienced translators know that truly connecting through language means that you must go deeper than the words. As we all know, Google Translate isn’t perfect, and is highly inconsistent in terms of accuracy, context and voice synthesis. This type of common translation software often produces literal translations that make no sense to the target audience. For example, the English idiom “it’s raining cats and dogs” means that it is raining heavily, whereas that same phrase literally translated to the Spanish language is nonsensical. Without an intricate knowledge of the spoken Spanish language, including familiarity with common sayings, expressions or idioms, it is very likely that a mistranslation will occur, even in a small sample size.

The true answer is robot companion localization: the practice of complete and total adaptation of materials from one language to another to access a target demographic, even if that population is across the world. Often, localization goes beyond simple words and language, in which teams of translators, linguists and subject matter experts work together to closely consider nuanced sociopolitical and cultural backgrounds to ensure that no meaning from the original message is lost on the target audience. Powered by a global network of 10,000+ in-country linguists and subject matter experts in over 250 languages, CSOFT provides translation and localization services that are authentic and accurate to the target demographic. Considering the purpose of localization, it becomes clear that translation of language alone is not enough to make the robot companion engaging to non-native English speakers. Click here to learn more about CSOFT’s Translation Services.

Cultural Knowledge and Sensitivity: the Keys to Genuine Human Connections

Robots must be informed of and sensitive to many cultural backgrounds, which is essential to their universal companionship abilities. For humans to create meaningful connections, they must be able to empathize with and acknowledge each other’s subjective experiences. In the case of a robot trying to converse with elders, who are largely unfamiliar and uncomfortable with advanced technologies, knowing and relating to their cultural background is extremely important to fostering a true connection. Additionally, many cultures have specific social norms and traditions that often dictate certain aspects of social interactions. Without contextual and nuanced knowledge of a culture, it is easy to imagine a robot companion brazenly breaking these norms, compromising its position as caretaker and companion.

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In order possess such implicit knowledge, robot companion localization must play a role in ensuring that cultural awareness is at the forefront of its programming. Because CSOFT’s staff of translators, linguists and subject matter experts are from the population they localize for, they can draw on their own backgrounds and experiences to ensure the program is aware of all vital practices and cultural nuances. For universal robotic companions that wish to connect to all types of people, localization offers the deeper cultural understanding, with additional contextual and subject knowledge, that can enable it to create meaningful connections with people from various language and cultural backgrounds.

Going the Extra Mile: Voice, Speech and Content Localization

Another important aspect of robot companion localization for a universal audience is using accents and dialects. Specifically, localization experts can help develop various voice profiles that can match the accents and dialects of the target user group in order to make interactions feel more natural and comforting. Furthering this, localization support can also offer text-to-speech (TTS) optimization, in which specific systems for various languages can be created, ensuring clarity and naturalness in speech no matter the language or topic.

Localization and the Future of Robotics and AI Technologies

The future of robotics and AI technologies in elder care doubtlessly hinges on effective localization to become universal. Imagine a world where robot companion localization results in a C-3PO like droid from Star Wars, which is seamlessly integrated into daily life, providing not just assistance but genuine companionship, with the ability to fluently converse in many languages. These robots would understand and interact with humans across diverse languages, cultures, and environments, ensuring personalized and relevant support that can be customized to the individual’s needs. As localization advances, the potential for these technologies to improve the quality of life for the elderly is immense, which is already being seen throughout NY’s program. These robots will not only handle practical tasks, but also offer emotional support, enhancing human well-being in unprecedented ways. The journey toward this future is just beginning, and with continued innovation, we can look forward to a time when universal companion robots become a common, cherished presence in all of our lives! Click here to learn more about CSOFT’s cutting edge use of AI in our Machine Translation Post-Editing processes.

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