CSOFT International

CSOFT International is a translation, localization, and global communication services provider that helps international businesses reach out to customers around the world.

NLG advances again this week!

Language AI in the News: Expanding Natural Language Generation (NLG) Capabilities

Two weeks ago, in our ongoing discussion on advancements in AI language functions and capabilities, we looked at Nvidia’s announcement on its development of the world’s most powerful natural language generation (NLG) model to date, surpassing GPT-3 as the latest high-powered text generator model. Following suit, Nvidia this week has made the decision to offer […]

Natural language processing becomes quantum

Keeping Up With AI: Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP)

As we recently discussed in our ongoing look at linguistic AI, natural language processing (NLP) is an established technology with astonishing real-world applications in areas such as machine translation that nevertheless seems often to be on the sidelines of newsworthy developments in more experimental areas like natural language generation (NLG). Now, however, NLP is getting a new infusion from the cutting-edge of computer science with reports from Cambridge Quantum on their development of […]

Linguistic AI struggles with analogies, a key aspect of human translation

Learning Without Analogies: Why Linguistic AI Struggles Where Human Linguists Excel

What do human linguists have that linguistic AI doesn’t? No longer a question just for the localization industry and machine translation, how well AI can replace people in communications is a shifting story in the world at large, and often a sensationalist one. A long view of developments suggests the true answer to what AI lacks is much more elusive than any one type of computational power, but the search for a specific mechanism is important not only to computer science but also psychology and biology today, as discovery continues […]

Chemical translations needed for green technologies

Earth Day: CSOFT’s Chemical Translations for Green Technologies

Chemical translations may not sound like an obvious tool needed for environmental sustainability, but in fact, they are a key requirement for the advancement of green industries worldwide. Every year on April 22nd, CSOFT commemorates Earth Day. Reflecting on this year’s theme, ‘Restore the Planet’, CSOFT understands the importance of environmental responsibility and corporate sustainability […]

Scientific translations: vital to antibiotic drug design

The Changing Realm of Scientific Communications: AI Tackles Antibiotic Drug Design

As doctors and researchers develop new antimicrobial substances that can be applied in health care solutions, scientific translations are vital to making these discoveries accessible in global settings. What if it was not doctors and researchers, though, and instead an artificial intelligence generating these kinds of insights? If the answer has to do with where […]