Language Technology
There are 130 posts filed in Language Technology (this is page 9 of 11).
Translation Made Easy with ÜbrTà
Finding a good translator can be challenging. After all, there’s not a single translator who doesn’t claim their work is “good.” This is where ÜbrTà comes in. Click and learn how ÜbrTà can help streamline the overall translation process and pair you with the best suited, most qualified linguists.
CSOFT’s Terminology Management System Innovation
As the world’s largest terminology wiki, is proud to sponsor this unique terminology competition. You have the opportunity to introduce and share new terms that will shape the future growth of your field. Your personal online profile will expand and strengthen with your participation. Plus, you are entered to win a brand new iPad Air!
IT Translation: The Importance of System Maintenance at CSOFT
CSOFT Stories returns to T for translation this week to bring you an interview with the man who makes sure all of CSOFT’s technology is maintained and working properly. Check out this week’s post featuring Howard Zhang, Senior IS Engineer at CSOFT.
Paperless Office – Why its a Good Thing
This week’s blog entry on Simply CSOFT argues the case for a pan-industry move towards the future, beginning with the elimination of piles upon piles of paper in our offices. We take a look at the benefits of a paperless office, and use the United Kingdom National Health Service’s recent announcement to “go paperless” as a lens through which to explore the argument further.